How to choose the best
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• "Selecting the freighting medium" is the title chosen for the fourth Physical Distribution Forum arranged by the British Institute of Management. It will be held at the Europa Hotel, Grosvenor Square, London, W1 on Tuesday June 18, from 9.30 a.m. to 4.45 p.m.
Mr. H. B. Hiscocks, distribution director of Tate and Lyle Refineries Ltd., will speak on "The use of own transport versus hired transport". Mr. L. A. Castleton, chief transport officer, Metal Box Co., speaks on "Rail freight versus road freight". "The role of air freighting" will be discussed by Mr. D. Coltman, British European Airways, and Mr. D. E. Grover, general manager of the European Unit Routes division of General Steam Navigation Co., will deal with the subject of "Containers versus roll-on/rolloff".
Conference fee is 12 guineas to BIM members and 16 guineas to non-members, inclusive of luncheon and refreshments. Further details are available from: Conference secretary, British Institute of Management, Management House, Parker Street, London, WC2.