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7th May 1965, Page 74
7th May 1965
Page 74
Page 74, 7th May 1965 — HAULAGE APPLICATIONS
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Requests in Six Areas


APPLICATIONS (April 28, 1965) Haley Bros. (Cimpweil) Ltd., Chopwell, A var., add I art. (100. Lime hydrate, bulk cement, ground limestone. Northern England, Southern Scotland and Midlands. (If granted. B tic. for 2 veh. will be surrendered.) T. A. Metvalfe (Transport) Ltd., Darlington A var., add 1 art. (St 3c).

Spinks Transport Services Lid., Stockton, A Var., add I veh. (4t 13c).

C. Herring and Son Ltd., West Hartlepool, A var., add 2 art. (18)0.

I. Crone, Frizington, new B lic., 1 veh. (6t 9c). Slag, lime, feedingstuffs, .fertilizers, hay, straw and grain for I. and J. Graham Ltd. Corby, Scunthorpe, Rotherham, Midffieabrough and Perth.

W. Barron, Spennyntoor, new B tic., 1 T. (4+0. Lime, fertilizers and farm implements, within 200 miles.

S. Davison, Darlington, B var.. add 1 T. (4)0. Mats, and plant for site preparation and the construction of roads and buildings, fertilizers, within 100 miles.

J. T.. Easton and Son Ltd., Swalwell, B var.. add 2 art. (24t 14c); 1 veh. (40. Steel for lames W. Ellis, Swalwell: Tyneside Structures, Blaydon-on-Tyne; Jackson Hardings, Hebburn and Northern Tubular. Blaydon-on-Tyne, Durham Steelworks, as required. (If granted, Contract A Lies. will he surrendered.)


APPLICATIONS (April 30, 1965) W. Carpenter (Leigh) Ltd., Leigh, new A tic., 6 vets. (2010. Machinery, carbon, paint, timber. textiles and textile requisites, within 40 miles. (If granted, Ft lic. will be surrendered.) Transport Holding Co. Pickfords Ltd., Northwith. Ches., new A tic., 1 veh. (5t). Bulk powders, as required.

W. Spencer, Buxton, A var., add 1 veh. (9D). Ground lime and limestone and stone dust for Derbyshire Stone Sales Ltd.; Dowlow Lime and Stone Ltd.; S. Taylor Frith and Co. Ltd., within 90 sullen, J. Grindrod and Son Lid., Littleborough, A var., add 1 veh. (50.

J. W. and I. H. M. Montgomery, Blackpool, new B tic., 2 veh. (5)0. Lettuce and tomatoes, within 125 miles.

J. R. Towle-mon, Crewe, new B lie.. 1 T. (40. Quarry products to and from sites, within 60 miles. (Vch. authorized in Contract A tic.)

D. and F. Transport, Handforth, new B 2 T. (7D). Pulverized fly ash from Carrington Power Station to within 25 miles of Carrington Power Station on behalf of P. J. Stephens (Contractors) Ltd.

J. Booth and Soo, Moseley, new B tic., 1 veil. (210, 1 art. (5+1). Crates and bales of wool yarn, within 300 miles.

J. and D. Astley. Newton-le-Willows, new B lie., 2 1. (741.). Road-making and excavation mars.. Within 25 miles.

A. C. Cocks, Tintwistle, Ches., new B lie., 1 veh. (410. Farm vegetables, potatoes, cabbage. carrots and Onions for Albert Chaplin Ltd., and Peter Cocks Ltd., to markets in England. Scotland and Wales.

Thomason and Kelley, Lymni. B var.. add 2 T. (90.

Masons Garage /Bosley) Ltd., Macclesfield, B var., add 1 veh. (5)0. Bulk milk from farms to the direction of the Milk Marketing Board.


APPLICATIONS (April 29, 1_9651 Hollywood Transport Co. Ltd., Birmingham, A var., add 3 art. (270. Cased cars, tractors. chemicals, machines, motor components, • sleet fabrications and forgings. London and Home CountieS and to ports for shipment and carriage into European countries in accordance with customers' requirements. E. J. Howell and Son (Transport Contractors) Ltd., Tinton, A var., add 1 T. OW. Roadmaking mats„ coal, engineering goods, steel, metals and clearance ex-local railway stations. Mainly Midlands, occasionally London arid Bristol..

N. D. Connanghton, Essington, new B lic„ I T. (410. Excavated spoil and' roadmaking mats. for Sir A. McAlpine and Sons Ltd., through W. E. G, Howells and Partners. within 20 miles, Monasen Ltd., Essington, new B tic., 5 T. (1910. Excavated spoil and roadmaking mats. for Sir Alfred McAlpine and Son Ltd., through W. E. G. Howells and Partners, within 20 miles.

S. Parboo, Essington, new B lie., 1 T. (4)0. Excavated spoil and roadmaking mats. for Sir A. McAipine and Sons Ltd,. through W. E. G. Howells and Partners, within 20 miles.

R. E. Potter, Essington. new B lie., 1 T. (3)1). Excavated spoil and roadmaking mats. for Sir A, McAlpine and Sons Ltd,, Through W. E. G. Howells and Partners, within 20 miles.

Security Express Ltd., Birmingham, B var., add 1 vets. (3)0. Cash, bank and currency notes, securities, negotiable instruments and valuables, within 120 miles.

Frank Hayes (Vehicle Movements) Ltd., Coventry.

B var„ add 3 art. (300. Completely assembled motor vehicles uncased on specially constructed transporter vehs. (excluding new Ford vehicles frnm Ford factories, Jaguar and Rover vehicles for export from factories). GB,

J. Moseley and Sons, Market Drayton, B car., add 1 T. (60. Sugar beet and grain for F. G. Stead and Suit Ltd., goods for Tern Hill Sand and Gravel Co. Ltd., and Roberts' Transport (Knighton) Ltd., all within 120 miles.


APPLICATIONS (April 27, 1965) Edwards Transport (Lydbrook) Ltd., Lydbrook. Glos. A var.. add 2 veh, (141.19c). Ga., mainly steel and Coils for Richard Thomas and Baldwin% Ltd.. normally within .150 miles and southern Scotland.

E. D. Leach, Gloucester. new B lie., 1 vets. (31-0. Agric. produce for J. M. Stokes Ltd., and Cooper and Smythe Ltd., and their associated companies and metals for Hales Metals (Gloucester) Ltd.,' all within 100 miles.

R. J. Pollard. Leedstown, Cornwall, new B

veh. (4t 7c). Agric. goods and requisites, within 350 miles. (Veh, as present specified 10 C tic.)

D. Couchman, Patchway, Gins, new B tic., 2 T. (7t 2c). Road. excarated and building mats., ort behalf of Bristol Tippers Ltd., within 30 miles.

R. S. Pollard. Sidcot. Som. new B tic., 1 T. (510. Goods for S. Buckton and Son Ltd., Brent Knoll, J. Bibby and Son Ltd., Puritan. and F. W. l3aillessto,n and Sons. Bradworthy, all within 200 Ea

B. A. C. Saunders, Stratton, Glos. new B he., 2 yen. (81. 12e1. Blocks, precast stone, corn, meal, within 40 miles.

3. E. Drake, Torquay, new B lie., 1 T. (7)0. Goods for Ashburton Quarry Co. Ltd., as required: road and building mats.. within 30 miles (Veil, at present specified in Contract A tic.) .

W. F. Miners and Sons, Ashburton, B var.. add 1 veh, (3t 18c), Timber for Howells Forestry. Newton Abbot and C. Bryan and Sons, South Brent, within 250 miles: return loads as available.

B. S. Percival (Contracts) Ltd., lIridport, B var., add 1 art. (St 9c), 1 T. (310. Mats. excavated by plant on sites where licence holder has contracted to supply excavating plant any distance, goods for Thomas W. Ward Ltd.. as required. (1 art. (61 9c) is at present specified in C tic.)

Hobbs Bros.. Bristol. B var., add I T. WO. Solid fuel within 15 miles; building plant and mats., within 10 miles; lime for Shillingstone Lime Co. Ltd.. within the County of Dorset; solid fuel for Stephenson Clarke Ltd. ex-St. Philips' Wharf, Bristol, within 50 miles; quarried mats, from nonrail connected quarries. within 50 miles; road, excavated and building mats., on behalf of Bristol Tippers Lid., within 30 miles.

Renwick, Wilton and Dobson (Moldings) Ltd., Bristol, B var., add 1 T. (744). Goods for Renwick, Wilton and Dobson (Bristol) Lid, and associated companies, within 40 miles.

E. G. Young, Cheddar. B var., add l veh. (41). Aerie. produce and requisites from Cheddar Valley G-owcrs Ltd„ within 150 miles,

A. J. Gregory and Son. North Taman, Devon.

B var.. add 3 art. (7)0. Goods for West Heron anti North Cornwall Farmers Ltd.. as required.


APPI,ICATIONS (April 28, 1965) John Mealy Motors Ltd., Swansea, new A lig., 1 T. (640. Foundry requirements. solid • fuels. London, Midlands, North and West Country. (If granted, Contract A lie, will be surrendered.)

British Railvin1s Board, Carmarthen, A var., add 3 veh. (1140. All classes and description of goods in Carmarthen and within 20 miles thereof, mainty for collection and delivery of milborne traffic.

Transport Holding Co.s BRS Ltd., Dowlais, Giant, A var.. add 4 art. (270. e.g., GB.

Robert Wynn and Sons Ltd., Newport, Mon, A var., add 1 art. (1060 (special type machinery carriers). All goods, GB.

W. G. Watkins, Tenbv, Pemb, A var. add 2 T. (840. Goods for Clynderwen Farmers' Co-operative Society Ltd.. and Pemb new potato crop, within 250 miles. (Vehs. at present specified in Contract A lie.) E. .1. G. Jenkins, Pembroke, new Ft tic.. 2 T. (60. Goods for Penn". County Council.

T. Morris and Sons, Swansea, new 11 lic., 1 T. (40. Excavated matter in connection with own plant and quarried mats., within 20 miles. (Vet% at present specified in C lie.) Mrs. M. J. Salmon, St, David's, Pemb, B var., add t T. (40. Road, building and excavated mats., within 25 mites.


APPLICATIONS (April 29, 1965) M. A. Hie, London El. new A tic., I veil. (7)1). G.g., GB.

H. Malfia, Basildon, Essex, new A tic., 1 veh. (70, G.g., GP O. Adams Ltd., New Malden. Surrey. A var., add I vett. (2)0: I art (61 7c). G.g., GB.

H. C. Austin and Co. (Transport) Ltd., Holloway, N7, A var., add 1 veh. CP). e.g.. London and Home Counties.

C. W. Beckett Ltd.. Kingston-on-Thames, A var., add 1 art. (Mt). G.g., mainly timber and grain. GB.

Bowden Transport Lid., London 5E15, A var., add I rah. (310. 0.5.. GB. (If granted, I T. (4t 7c1 will be deleted without replacement from Contract A lie.)

W. Harrison and SOBS (Garages) Ltd:. Welwyn. Herts, A var., add 1 vch. (3t 6c). Mainly urgent small consignments for existing customers and g.g., all within 5() miles, with occasional longer journeys.

Hayes Bridge Haulage Co. IN., Southall. Middx. A var., add I veh. (31 18c). Ga., within 225 miles. R H. lavender. Ruislip. A var., add 1 art. (8t Sc). Mainly timber, bricks and machinery. Metropolitan area; abnormal loads, within 200 miles.

1. O'Connor anti SOBS Ltd., Fulham, SW6. A var.. add 1 arr. (7)0, 2 veh. (730. G.g., and abnormal long loads. London and 110112e Counties.

F. 3. Robertson Ltd.. London, F14. A var., add 2 art. (1)1 Sc). G.g.. to and from docks and wharves, London and Horne Counties.

Thamesbrook Ltd., Slough. A var., add 4 veh, (170. Ott, mainly within 100 miles.

Tyburn Road Tank Services Ltd., High Wycombe, A var., add 6 art. (70)0. Bulk liquids, GB.

Aveley Moiler Service, Aveley, Essex. new B lie..

3 T. (11+11. Buildings mats.. plant and eouipment. rubbish, for John Laing Construction Ltd. and subsidiaries. within 21) miles; and urgent loads to and from sites for these companies, within 60 miles.

E. W. Brooks. Edgware, new B lie., 1 veh. (Zr 18c). G.g., GB.

H. T. Creed. Greenwich. SE10. new lie.. 1 T. (40. Hot coated roadstone for Tarmac (Southern) Ltd. and for Cawood Wharton and Co. Ltd.. within 25 miles.

Deltic Plant Ltd.. Floddesdon. Herts. new B tic.. 2 T. (71 18e). Building mar excavations and rubbish. within 30 miles.

Grove Plant Lid.. Hitchin. Hens new B tic., 1 art. (65 1.2c). Tractors. tractor shovels, excavators, rollers, mixers, abnormal and indivisible loads. within 25 miles.

S. S. Wood. Stanstead Abbotts, Herts. new B lie,. 1 T. (40. Building and road-making mats., and excavations for St. Albans Sand and tGravel Co. Ltd.. and subsidiary companies. within 35 miles. (If granted, Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) All transport (Services) Lid.. Deptford. SEEL II var.. add 5 yell. (1410, 3 art. (150. Household effects and furniture for packing and dispatch overseas and from overseas to consignee (including unpacking), machinery, books and printed matter for dispatch overseas as export packers and overseas furniture removers. within 60 miles.

Mite Bros., Hayes. B var.. add 2 T. (8t Sc). Nicholls and Co. (Brighton) Ltd., Brixton. SW9.

B var.„ add 3 art. (7t I lc); 2 veh. (St 2e). 2 eels. (44). Packaged goods for Castrol Ltd. and associated company Fletcher Miller Lid., within 100 miles. (If granted, Contract A lic, will be surrendered.) Pannell Merchants) Ltd., Golders Green, NWIl.

B var., add 1 vch. (140. Collection and disposal of factory rubbish in containers, within 30 miles. CONTRACTIONS: add., additional; agric., agricultural; art., articulated unit; c., ewe.; general goods; G.S., Great Britain; id., indivisible; tic., licence; lowddr., low-loader; mats., materials ; NAJ,, normal user: ST., special type; it, tons; T., tipper; tel., trailer; var,, variation ; wh., wheels.