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Trta Wants C-licence Vehicles And Men Within Transport...
FROM \A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT r.L10ENSED transport should be included in a road transport training board; it would be quite illogical to fragment the treatment of " C " vehicles......
Liner Trains To Start In Autumn?
From Our Industrial Correspondent COLLOWING the go-ahead received from the Minister of Transport, the British Railways Board hopes to start its first liner-train service between......
Two Consolidate On The Continent
Li ATTER rothers (Grays, Essex), I through their subsidiary, Hatter Shipping Services Ltd., have recently acquired a Dutch transport concern based in Rotterdam, The purchase......
Darlington By-pass Open Next Week: Britain's Newest...
the last remaining bottlenecks on Al he opened on May 14 by the Minister of Transport. Constructed at a total cost of some £61 m. and with a design speed of 75 m.p.h., it forms......
Brs Rates Increase
pRITIStl. ROAD SERVICES rates for general haulage are to be increased by 5 per cent from June I. This follows the recornm endations of the Road Haulage Association, of which BRS......