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By The Hawk Standing Ovation To the obvious delight of the
popular TRTA president, Mr. K. C. Turner, his principal guest at the Association's conference banquet last Friday received a standing ovation. It was spontaneously given by delegates and guests alike when CHr. W. C. Wilkinson, the Mayor of Scarborough, rose to leave the banquet hall escorted by Mrs. Turner. He had just given the most sparkling after-dinner speech—not forgetting an encore, if you please—for many .a long day. What a contrast with those banal and perfunctory efforts one is so often cOmpel led to tolerate.
'Motor Superior'? An application for a new
licence by the "Rev. Motor Superior" (it's printed like that) of Notre Dame convent, Cobham, takes pride of place in the Metropolitan "Notices and Proceedings" dated April 21. If this bid to operate a school service is successful. the reverend lady will have to be very careful indeed on the make of vehicle employed. Whatever type is chosen will certainly make good publicitv for the manufacturer concerned.
When the East German vessel Magdeburg, carrying 42 Leyland Olympic Series 2 buses destined for Cuba, sank in the Thames about six months ago as the result of a collision, rescue tugs chose the right place to beach the vessel—directly opposite a wharf which Hatter Brothers (Bulk Transport) Ltd. rent at -Grays. Essex. What more convenient a place to bold the auction of the first batch of 19 vehicles?
Eddie Hatter, genial boss of the kingdom which bears his name --which is really going to town on its Continental operations, as well as its repair, dealership and bulk transport activities (and I note that Mr. Hatter will have a couple of fields of rhubarb ready for sale soon!) – had his eye on Lot 18 which he wanted to get hold of for :..on‘eying spastic children. But this was not to be. The vehicle, which was virtually undamaged, was knocked down :o a private purchaser for 0,800-odd, I gather.
Very Convenient Peebles Week-end For the fifth year running ;coltish and Northern RHA men got together for what is 'mown as the "Peebles Week-end" (the organirers—the two RHA area secretaries—call it the Annual Spring Conference) at the Hydro Hotel.
Of course, this is a business function. That is why " delegates " bring their wives, fathers and mothers and also the children—there were 70 youngsters there between the ages of 6 months and 14 years!
Apart from the business session—in which everyone said that Eric Russell, the RHA's deputy secretary-general, excelled himself—there were dances on the Friday and Saturday evenings. And so many were in the bathing pool at 7.30 the following mornings that it was a job to find a place to dive in. I didn't realize the Scots mixed their drinks with water.
Operators in this country know only too well how long it takes to obtain new vehicles from manufacturers, and it is a well-known fact that dealers are being strictly rationed in their supplies—some. to my knowledge, getting as few as one vehicle per month to sell to their clients.
The news that Mr. J. J. Johnson, general sales manager of Guy Motors, has left on a tour of the Near East and "near Far East" (to use Johnny's own words) will therefore come as an ironical surprise to some. Actually he left on Monday, and his farthest port of call will be in West Pakistan. When I suggested that he travelled overland on Asian Transport's Great Britain-Afghanistan Express (which operates a Guy Warrior), Mr. Johnson shrugged his shoulders and said, without further comment: "I'm travelling by air! "
He Goes by Air !
Advanced Comic Who is Advanced Motorist
No, 53,000? Answer: Ted Ray, the comedian, who received his diploma and membership badge in unusual circumstances on Friday. He had just completed a hilarious cabaret act for the IAM dinner and dance at the Hilton, Park Lane, and the surprise presentation was made by the national chairman's wife. Mind you, he had passed the test quite genuinely. Nearly 100,000 have taken the IAM test in nine years, and just over half have passed.
Guest of honour was Minister of Transport Tom Fraser, who asserted that we must resist the proposition that as vehicle numbers rise, so must accidents.