■ Jewcastle's 'shirty' :ransport festival
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'HE QUEEN'S visit to Newcastle )n November 6, when she ■ pened the latest section of the iew Metro system, marked the )eginning of a three-week ransport festival in Tyne and Near.
Inevitably, T-shirts were )roduced for the occasion — but lot by the T-shirt factory in iebburn. They were made in 'ortugal and bore on the front a )icture of a bus and a Metro ram with the ambiguous egend: "They took me for a ide."
This has not pleased some ;ouncillors. Others object to the ;ale of souvenir mugs. They hink they are the mugs who lave been taken for a ride.
"Transport festival mugs also ;ame under fire at yesterday's public transport meeting," ■ Jewcastle Journal reported. The adze for hitting five in a row Nas, of course, a T-shirt.