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post;sion operator will be a much more demanding and lesslike person than his predecessor. ving had to work his way through...
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THIS WINTER's pay round has begun to switch smoothly into second gear, with initial talks between employers and unions ending...
IT WAS STILL deadlock 1 week in the dispute betw , Bass North and its 430 drayn and warehousemen at n North-east England depots...
INCREASED PAY offers III two of the big four oil c , panies appeared to have d little to break the Transport General Workers'...
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EXEMPTION is available from the EEC drivers' hours regulations nilk vehicles engaged on depot to depot deliveries as distinct...
ISH RAIL is planning to back in the freight market, is aiming for a 25 per cent ase in wagonload traffic next year. ilso is...
READERS may have been misled by a story in CM last week p11 in which the House of Fraser was granted a new 0licence. The...
ROAD HAULAGE is being ex. cluded from contract work asso. dated with the redevelopment of a British Steel site. Infill for the...
SEDDON ATKINSON has revised its pricing policy in a move which it hopes other manufacturers will follow. Over the past 18...
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n the offing, with the possibility tossing between Scotland and Ills From January 18, Townsend "horesen is to reduce the...
THE SCOTTISH Motor Sh opens at 10am next Friday, vember 13, and closes at 9prr Saturday, November 21. It will be open from...
3RITAIN's lorry population would be nearly three times its present lize if maximum weights were still at their 1955 level, a...
NEXT YEAR's Road Haulage Association Tipping Convention wil the best ever, an RHA spokesman predicted this week, and lead...
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DOCTORS last week gave evidence in an appeal heard at Forfar Sheriff Court in which a lorry driver was appealing against the...
A POTTERIES operator was granted a new Operator's licence for one year after it told West Midland Licensing Authority Arthur...
THE LEGALITY of one of land's dynamic a weighbridges on the main ( Dublin road near Fermoy questioned at a local di; court...
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kILERS are failing much more frequently than tractive units, and icle examiners are looking at this very closely, warned West...
TACHOGRAPH charts will b stored under the joint control c shop stewards and managf ment, under a wage agreemen signed between...
AN OPERATOR'S application for a new, standard inteenational 0licence was refused by North Western Licensing Authority Roy...
:CT container ship services start this month between Britain the Indian sub-continent, when Overseas Containers Ltd starts N...
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A THIRD edition of a compre hensive catalogue of Health an Safety Commission and Execu tive publications has a corn pletely...
'E Technical Developments has introduced an under-run bar :h conforms to EEC directives for rear under-run protection. ie...
JEEP UK has introduced a customised four-wheel drive production vehicle designated the CJ7 Laredo. Painted in black, it has...
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ONVERSION of an old Guy Big I tractive unit into a ShuntmasAm yard-shunter by Lyka Cranes )f Preston, for the Navy, Army (rid...
RHM AGRICULTURE LTD is giving an extended operating run to the Rolls-Royce Eagle diesel engine range. It has purchased another...
SOUTHFIELDS Floloada curt sided bodywork has bi specifically modified for us( road haulage rental compani The Flexipost...
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kISERVATIVE controlled Bromley Council failed in its High Court Impt on Tuesday to outlaw the Greater London Council's cheap s...
McGill's Bus Service of Bia rhead, has shown most audaoil by seeking a daily service ibt tween Barrhead's Auchenbac housing...
IT LONDON-based Ralphs Coaches of Longford, Middlesex has n awarded a British Airports Authority contract to operate staff es,...
FRASERS COACHES, of Elgin and Forres, which has been operatinc for 18 years and has seven coaches, closed this week. Company...
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THE West Midland Traffic Commissioners have granted a new pay operator licence for two vehicles for 12 months to Densbury Ltd,...
IN A SURPRISE move, Devc dependent coach operator thens of Yelyerton, Devon launched a double-deck c service between Plymouth...
BUS FARES in St Albans have been cut by up to 40 per cent to encourage the use of local buses. The Hertfordshire city has been...
AN EAST ANGLIAN operator was refused a psv operator's licence last week, when the Eastern Traffic Commissioners were confronted...
WALLACE ARNOLD has fulfilled expectations by pulling out of the British Coachways consortium to go it alone on its...
EASTERN NATIONAL is the National Bus subsidiar operate a car on regular seri in a rural area. In assocation with Brair...
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D is to close its Amsterdam iry with the loss of 1,525 writes GRAHAM MONT!ERIE. e closure has been exad for some time, but the...
LEYLAND VEHICLES will no now assemble the ZF S6-3( gearbox under licence at the Al bion factory. Instead, the gearbox, a Six...
BOWATER SCOTT, maker of tissue products, has standardised on Tidd box bodies for its rigid fleet and is changing over to...
HESS BOYD the Alperton4 international freighting :housing and distribution ice, is to re-equip its fleet of des which carry out...
the first round in a legal battle with International Harvester (CM,. October 31). IH, which holds a 37.5 per cent stake in...
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the Eindehoven-based board of management at the end of 1982. Mr Mansell joined the board in 1978. His responsibility was for...
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BRITISH team managed a table third in the tractive and trailer category of the h international championfor lorry drivers, run...
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'HE QUEEN'S visit to Newcastle )n November 6, when she ■ pened the latest section of the iew Metro system, marked the )eginning...
4NY RESEMBLANCE between :reddie the Superflea and the Road Haulage Association, alive Dr dead, is purely libellous. He is the...
THE RHA has lost its longestserving and one of its most able and humorous area secretaries, and I have lost a friend of 30...
THE OIL companies emerged from the RHA conference with even greater need for skilful public relations than the Association...
A SURVEY by the Freight Transport Association sugge that British Rail will lose a grE deal of traffic, particularly limestone,...
"WE HAVE to be very careful about our conduct as police officers," said a South Wales police spokesman after a frac on a...
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ERENCE your Editorial "See >e on wages" (CM October 3, I) — your sanctimonious rings are only surpassed by arrogant statements...
I REFER to a prominent news item (CM October 24, page 19) referring to Peak Trailers Ltd. This article gives the impression...
WE READ with interest the recent claim by Mr G. Simmons of BRS that 70 per cent of BRS Rescue calls are remedied within two and...
WHILST agreeing with everything printed in your articIE "Watch your fuel system: Be ready for winter" — (CM, October 31) I feel...
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The years of painstaking research and development of anti-corrosion technology for cabs have finally finished for Volvo Trucks....
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This exclusive interview between CM editor lain Sherriff and Erich Krampe, managing director of Mercedes-Benz (United Kingdom)...
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Graham Montgomerie flew out to German) and was ferried around the major M-B works in order to not only review the rang€ but...
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Steve Gray learns how deeply the compan) is involved in after-sales service — there ar( even M-B courtesy repair vans operating...
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The 1625 S has less horsepower than the 1626, but Tim Blakemore has returned th( best fuel figures with it on our test route...
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Mercedes insists that its NG cab needs an air deflector, but our figures on test do not always reflect any advantage; eastbound...
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Christian Salvesen's Danny Stewart tells CM's David Wilcox how to construct a fleet of 400 vehicles, with three models,...
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MANY HAULIERS, the strong luage in which the Freight nsport Association has demned reference tariffs is of proportion. It is...
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by Douglas Ainley THE 1980 Employment Act (sections 17 and 18) attempted to define when secondary industrial action — action...