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Killer road lans

8th August 1975, Page 23
8th August 1975
Page 23
Page 23, 8th August 1975 — Killer road lans
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

LONG-DISTANCE lorry d ers have demanded that Secretary of State for Scott act now over A74. The r are angry at being labe " hellcats of the highwz following crashes on the ki road.

They have presented to Scots Secretary a plan to m A74 safer. It includes m slip-roads built into the ( riageway which has claimed lives so far this year. This, the men, would enable vehic to filter into the traffic rat than cut straight across road by the present system intersections.

Earth mounds in the cer reservations have also bi asked for, as have m roundabouts to slow traffic dangerous junctions. Even ally, they want the r< brought up to motorway st dards.

Biggest menace, the lo drivers claim, are holiday di ers hauling caravans and in perienced motorists who dc do a lot of long-distance ch ing and are not used to susta ed driving spells. But tl emphasise, however, that long-term answer is the c ation of highways fit to tz the road traffic of today.

The Freight Transport As ciation have also made reco mendations on the safety A74. They said in a letter the Secretary of State 1; week that the present spe limit signs should be replac by new signs giving the spe limits for all the main vehi, classes.

It has also been suggest that any deficiency in stai tory detail on the signs c be supplemented by the ft issue of advisory leaflets g ing full details of speed lim at cafés, service areas and ling stations along the rou Motoring organisations a transport associations cot also co-operate in their dist bution.