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New Pay Council Could End Disputes
BIG BREAKTHROUGH has teen made in the labour relaions of the road haulage indusry with the setting up of a Dint pay council in Scotland. This new move, agreed beween the......
Nbc To Cut 49 Million Miles?
Dr JOHN GILBERT, the Minister for Transport, warned Parliament this week that as a result of an unspecified NBC deficit for -the current financial year it would be necessary for......
'status' Plan For Young Drivers
ORGANISATIONS interested in the Young Driver Training Scheme were asked for their opinions about the relevant draft regulations on Tuesday by Dr John Gilbert, Minister for......
Pandoro Depot
NEW depot service facilitie: have just been opened at a Stoke-on-Trent and Leeds 133 Pandoro Ltd, part of P & C Unit Loads. The expansior forms part of a developmert programme......