:ourses and :onferences
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:E THEME for this year's Chared Institute of Transport weekJ. conference—to be held at :ford, September 19-21—is ow'ards a national transport [icy: the contribution of the Yfessional."
Speakers include: T. L. Beagr, deputy secretary, transport iustries, DoE; A. P. de Baer, :mber, National Bus Company; A. Land, co-ordinator, parcels d small freight group, National eight Corporation.
JOHN SILJ3ERMANN, a viceairman of the Road Haulage aociation, and a leading exnent of modern ideas in transrt marketing, is one of the ominent speakers at a seminar this subject arranged by eet Planning Ltd on Tuesday, October 7. Also speaking will be Mr Eric Walters, planning and marketing manager of Lex Transportation Ltd and Wilkinson Transport.
The seminar will take place at the Coventry Esso Hotel. Applications to: Fleet Planning Ltd, Green Lane, Balsall Common, Coventry CV7 7EG, enclosing fee of £37.80 which includes VAT, conference papers, lunch, etc.
THE WEST KENT COLLEGE of Further Education at its Brook Street, Tonbridge, department of Automobile Engineering, is offering a comprehensive course for transport managers who may soon be required to obtain a transport manager's licence.
The course, starting on September 8, will run on two evenings a week (Monday and Tuesday) from 7pm to 9pm. Fees for the 36-week course are £7.20 and the course textbook costs an additional £3.50.
Subjects dealt with in the course include Law relating to Licences, Insurance, C and U Regulations, Medhanical Condition, Records, Accidents, Loading and Unloading. Part of the time is devoted to Heavy Vehicle Technology. The workshop facilities and the lecture roams, which are well supplied with audio visual facilities, should make this course of particular interest to Kent professional and own-account operators.
Applications to : Mr R. Chislet, West Kent College of Further Education, Brook Street, Tonbridge. SPEAKERS at the Road Haulage Association's annual conference— to be held this year from October 20-22 at Eastbourne— will include Sir Daniel Pettit, chairman of the National Freight Corporation. His subject will be the ways in which hauliers can persuade their customers of the difficulties of operating ownaccount transport.
South Yorkshire's county engineer will deal with lorry routeing and the business lunch will be addressed by Raymond Baxter of BBC TV's Tomorrow's World. Mr Harry Urwin, assistant general secretary of the Transport and General Workers' Union, is expected to speak on labour relations in a fragmented industry.