Q I have been told that uno the new accident reportil
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regulation, introduced by t Road Traffic Act 1974, it not necessary for a vehi( to have been involved in collision for the driver to i obliged to stop and exchan names and addresses. Cot you tell me what are the ci cumstances covering ti eventuality? A The amendment to Secti 25 of the Road Traffic A 1972 contained in the Ro Traffic Act 1974 does r affect the circumstanc which you have described.
Section 25 of the 1972 A states that "If in any ca; owing to the presence of motor vehicle on a road, accident occurs whereby p sonal injury is caused to person other than the dril, of that motor vehicle or da age is caused to a vehi4 other than that mOtor vehii . . . or to an animal other th an animal in that moi vehicle . the driver sh stop and . . . give his nat and address . . . he shall r port the accident at a poll station or to •a constable soon as reasonably pract able and in any case with 24 hours of the occurrenc€ Therefore, the driver of car which might perhaps ha been on the wrong side the road and which caus another motorist to swer and collide with a wall shot comply with the provisions that Section. This would one instance of the kind situation about which y ask; there might very well others.
What the amendment in t 1974 Act does is to make new set of circumstances portable in the same un These involve accidei where damage is caused any property constructed fixed to, growing on or oth wise forming part of the la in which the road is situat or land adjacent thereto.