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Q I have just recovered my ordinary driving licence after a

8th August 1975, Page 37
8th August 1975
Page 37
Page 37, 8th August 1975 — Q I have just recovered my ordinary driving licence after a
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period of suspension, but the Licensing Authority will not return my heavy goods vehicle driving licence till after I have driven free from accident or other offences for a further six months. Is there any way in which I can appeal against this decision? A Section 118 of the Road Traffic Act 1972 lays down ways of appeal against the decision of the LA in these cases. If you feel aggrieved by his decision you should first write to him and explain your grievance and ask him to reconsider his decision. He might then call you to a hearing, at which you will be entitled to be heard either personally or through a representative such as a solicitor or trade union official.

If you are still dissatisfied after the LA has reconsidered your case you may then appeal to a magistrate's court or, if you live in Scotland, a Sheriff's court.