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Call out a prof!

8th August 1975, Page 5
8th August 1975
Page 5
Page 5, 8th August 1975 — Call out a prof!
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l'HE EXPERTISE of six uniiersity professors will be on all to the haulage industry, 3assenger services and truck nanufacturers following the aunch of a new consultancy timed at sorting out transport )roblems — including advice m a haulier's vehicle choice.

Landspeed, formed with eading industrialist Lord fings Norton as chairman, ;laims to offer a unique ser/ice by combining the research md scientific abilities of leadng academics with the engi'leering and management ex)ertise of consultant engineers.

All aspects of land transport will be covered including )peeational planning, systems kssessment, analysis and deign, the supervision of engileering work involved, re&arch and development and raining of engineers in related lisciplines.

Ft esearch facilities The main concern of Land;peed will be in the use of con7entional and advanced techlology for low, medium and Ugh-speed work related to irban, suburban and inter-city transport systems.

Mr Geoffrey Hart, a Landspeed director, told CM this week that the six professors had an immense amount of facilities available to them for research at their universities.

"We will take on problems that really no one else can handle because they don't have our multi-disciplined approach. Once we are approached we go along and see if the job needs our expertise.

"Once the problem is identified we would send along the relevant professor or professors. They would decide how much research is needed and offer an objective judgment.

"The size of the problem doesn't really matter. We could handle something as small as advising a haulier on what vehicle he needed for a specific job to planning a complete passenger service network."

Mr Hart said that the cost of calling in Landspeed would obviously depend on the problem and the amount of work needed. " But we have very low overheads and we hope our service would save our customers money in the long run."