Minister tops the bill
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'OP-LINE speakers and topine subjects will be the order of the day at the Freight 7ransport Association national oniference which is to be held st the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne, ram October 22-25. The team rf guest speakers will be led ry Dr John Gilbert, Minister or Transport.
Dr Gilbert will be followed )57 two general management essions centred on the indusrial relations field. First Prof . S. Maclbeath, Professor of ndustrial Relations at the ,ondon Graduate School of lusiness Studies, will bring lelegates up to date on current ndustrial relations legislation and in particular its application to transport.
He will be followed by Mr G. F. Pink, group training manager of FTA member Rank Hovis McDougall Ltd, who will present a paper on men at work, motivation and attitudes. Recent FTA tradition is being followed for the next session which is being reserved for a subject of major topical interest.
As usual a full supporting social programme has been arranged. The full delegate conference fee is £27. Special rates are available for day delegates. Attendance is restricted to representatives of FTA member companies.