Honourable intentions
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If, after his meeting with the trade unions, the FTA and tlRHA, Dr Gilbert decides to seek deferment on the intn duction of tachographs and reduced driving hours he shoul not he too surprised if he receives an almighty snub fro; our EEC partners. Whatever arguments he now uses cairn( be new. They must have existed three years ago. So wh did we delay until the eleventh hour before advancir them ?
If deferment is his objective, what purpose can it serve Putting off the evil day will certainly not reduce the cos Experience shows the reverse to be the case. Nor will dela meet the unions' case: but it does mean that they cum( use the introduction of the tachograph as a wage lev€ during the £6 maximum period.
And what of the Minister's hint that he may give in to th 38-tonne demand in exchange for deferment ? If his argt inents should fail in Brussels, he will almost certainly h pressed by the industry at home to raise the limit now thz he has indicated that it is possible.
If we are really unable to meet the January 1 deadline, i it because we are inefficient or because the intention doing so was never there in the first place ? Here we ar at the first real test of our partnership intentions wantin to renege when something unpalatable is demanded of u: Hardly the best image for Europe's second biggest partne: