Détente routiere
Page 4

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Britain and France have "enjoyed" strained relationships almost since the end of the 1939-45 war. Our late entry into Europe was the result of General de Gaulle exercising his right of veto. Just how much harm his persistence did to the EEC and our ultimate membership is difficult to calculate. It certainly did nothing to bring the two countries closer, indeed in many ways the rifts which his attitude opened remain open today.
In road haulage terms the damage has been great.
The opportunities for co-operation have been immense but apart from a few notable exceptions they have not been taken. Hauliers have much to gain through co-operation both at home and abroad. CM attempted to establish a measure of co-operation between British and French hauliers earlier this year. We were moderately successful. We will continue to encourage the extension of Anglo-French haulage co-operation and trust that our readers on both sides of the channel will take advantage of the opportunities which our EEC membership now affords them.
Depuis la fin de la guerre 1939-45 les relations anglo-francaises subirent des difficultes. C'est a cause du veto du General de Gaulle que nous avons , eu si long a attendre pour entrer dans le Marche Commun, et il reste toujours a debattre si son opposition acharnee ait cree des difficultes permanentes, soit pour la CEE ou pour les brittaniques. Bien sr, il a empeche a un certain point la détente anglo-francaise; les mecomprehensions dues a son attitude ne sont toujours pas tout a fait resolues.
C'est surtout le transport routier qui a souffert. La il y a d'immenses possibilites pour la co-operation anglo-francaise mais pour la plupart ' nous avons failli les saisir. Les entreprises routieres peuvent beaucoup en profiter, et dans leur propre pays et a l'etranger.
Nous a Commercial Motor avons fait des efforts en cet egard avec notre conference recente, et nous crayons avoir reussi en quelque sorte. Nous allons poursuivre le but d'une co-operation elargie entre les : brittaniques et les francais dans la domaine du transport routier et nous esperons que nos amis des deux bords de la Manche vont s'emparer des benefices qu'offre la CEE.