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Britain and France have "enjoyed" strained relationships almost since the end of the 1939-45 war. Our late entry into Europe...
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N ADDITIONAL layer of anagement for Leyland's nnmercial vehicle activities as announced this week with ie creation of BL...
PROSPECTS for Christmas looked bleak this week as strike threats hung over both oil companies and Scottish operators over pay...
LARGE numbers of new buses are to be bought by the Moscow transport authority in time for the 1980 Olympic Games, and Leyland...
THE EDUCATION Department was last week urged to stop trying to agree with "indifferent" local authorities about a school...
BRITAIN was due to appear in the European Court this week on charges of failing to implement the EEC tachograph regulation...
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NEXT WEEK CM goes to Wales. John Darker, who w one of the first to congratulate Road Haulage Association area secretary Peter...
ALL seven British passenger transport executives are now represented on the Association of Metropolitan Authorities' public...
THE FIRST of the re-named Foden Haulmaster eight-wheel rigids has come of the production line at Elworth Works, Sandbach....
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IING out with the usual answer that are no plans at present to expand. ic ownership in the road haulage stry, John Horam, Under...
ANSPORT Minister William Rodgers :es pressure from Transport and [aried Staffs Association president, hour MP Walter Johnson,...
TRANSPORT and General Workers Union national organiser Jack Ashwell has accused the Government of using the Price Commission...
MEMBERS of Parliament are still being thoroughly selfish and unfair. Don't worry, this journal is not courting imprisonment...
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[ERE is nothing wrong with the volume of health and safety pislation in this country, but its quality needs to be kept tight....
;RITISH drivers on foreign trips are becoming a target, for oreign criminals who know that the men will be carrying large urns...
THE VOLUME of road traffic on Britain's roads is continuing to grow by around 3.5 per cent, but commercial vehicle components...
FEAR of confusion of letters has forced the Department of Transport to drop plans to issue U-suffixed vehicle registrations...
THE PEELER document was bound to convey the impression that any inquiry into heavier lorries, far from being impartial and...
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FIRST steps towards a comprehensive system of statutory controls for the carriage of dangerous substances by all types of...
IN THE latest of a string of anti-Price Commission report speeches, Road Haulage Association national chairman John Silbermann...
SPENDING on road maintenance throughout the country next year will be increased substantially over this year, promised John...
LICENSED in Septembet this year there were 2, commercial vehicles, same number as in the r five years. Giving this figure in...
IN 1977 15 per cent of pet was sold for commerc vehicles said John Hora Under Secretary for Trai port, in the Commons. Eigl per...
A £190m road tunnel on t Paris-Bucharest internatiot route was opened last week. The nine-mile tunnel unc the 5,910ft Arlberg...
IN 1976, the last year wh( figures were available, the were 83 prosecutions for ove length lorries in England ar Wales....
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'HEE State-owned National 'eight Corporation has regtered its dissatisfaction with uch of the recent Price. ommission report on...
:ONTINUING investment is an essential element of North Sea 'erry operation, Tor Line managing director Paul Insley told a ....
THE EEC rolling week is calculated for any 60 hours of duty by a driver after January 1, according to the Department of...
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A DEVELOPMENT of a domestic refrigeration compressor for operation at 12 and 24 Volts has been introduced by Danfoss (London)...
AUTOMATIC transmission is now available as an optional extra on the HCB-Angus crew safety vehicle (CSV) fire appliance. It...
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SI INCREASE in maximum .oss vehicle weights would suit in a huge saving in fuel lys the Transport and Road esearch Laboratory....
METROPOLITAN Police traffic officers unveiled their plans for experimental anti-speeding equipment in London last week. Muni...
As with the recently announced eight-wheeler, the six wheeler shares a similar specification with existing models but features...
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BRITISH operators who mourn the passing of the Bristol RELL Gardner-engined single-deck city bus may gain a substitute if...
THE FIRST Metro-Cammell Weymann Metrobus to be built away from MCW's own workshops is under construction now. Alexander is...
TWO DOUBLE-deck coaches are being built in Scotland for the Kowloon bus fleet in Hong Kong. A Dennis Jubilant and a Leyland...
TWO NATIONALISED bus operators have adapted older Leyland single-deckers to play supporting roles in their fleets. Eastern...
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tAFFIC Commissioners in indee last week granted a ence to John Petrie, Tea ling, igus, who operates Black ince Coaches, to run...
■ 1 ESTIMATED Elm was lost r Strathclyde region as a stilt of the four-week strike 7 Glasgow's bus mainteince men. Andrew...
RANSPORT Minister Jilliam Rodgers is condering the possibility of paylent of the "needs" element of ie rate support grant used...
EX TILLOTSON of Totton, fampshire, has put the accent n simplicity, economy and afety in its new range of laxeta bus bodies....
IN A draft document entitled Tourism: A paper for discussion the Greater London Council has looked at tourism in the capital....
OLD AGE pensioners and the handicapped in Fife Region are being given free bus and train travel between December 10 and January...
DESPITE misgivings from dealers, auctions of both coaches and stage carriage buses appear to be gaining ground. British Car...
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no Renault dream THE Berliet and Saviem merger took place at around the same time as IVECO, but the French consortium has not...
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From the contents of his letter (CM, November 10), Mr Shand appears to lack certain factual information about this tachograph....
inalme 8 I must reply to the letter from R. J. Clayton of Cwmbran (CM, November 24) A psv badge does not constitute a licence...
radiant 'Might I reinforce Mr Watkinson's plea (CM, September 22) for intelligent planning of our road network, particularly...
Congratulations to Steve Geary for his excellent report on the BAOD Annual National Conference (CM, November 17). In the same...
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A PHONE CALL from the field service director of Saviem brought the Eaton Truck Components office in Chartres, France, swinging...
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The compression ignition engine, 1 IN 1892 German engineer Dr Rudolf Diesel, took out a patent for an engine which relied on...
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ANGLO-FRENCH trade already provides much work for British and French road hauliers and France is the obvious route to Spain....
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IN commercial vehicle terms France has been named as the EEC country with the greatest growth potential. Certainly since 1966...
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IN BRITAIN we are familiar with the transport training services offered by the Road Transport Industry Training Board and such...
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by Les Oldridge, T Eng(CEI), MIMI, AM IRTE Changes in C & U Regulations, 4 _Regulations 25 and 26 of the Motor Vehicle...
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N FRANCE the cities have in awful lot of fast traffic. The is still La Belle France, )ut her economy is thriving low and a fine...
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IN FRANCE, the CM LDoY Michelin party were told, the railway is more or less officially protected, as it is in West Germany, in...
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by John Durant NHEN the first Relais loutiers sign was put up, the 'oads in France were almost leserted, there was no speed...
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SINCE Relais Routiers and the journal Les Routiers were started, several other organisations have been founded; in France in...
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Feature by Steve Gray Pictures by Brian Weatherley rHE THORNY problem of jetting road permits to travel through Europe has...
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If newspapers over-simplify, they are accused of distortion. The Press Council recently censured a newspaper because a...
Stopping the wheels from turning is more exhausting than productive work. Public Service, the Nalgo newspaper, published the...
kfter Typhoon Rita, Mike Hoffman, 39-year-old chairman and nanaging director of Perkins Engines, blew through Manila, eaving,...
rwo Edbro export executives, Keith Nowell and Paul Shires, have Os° been to the Far East. They were attending China's first...
If the self-appointed guardians of individual liberty again defeat the Bill to make the wearing of seat belts compulsory, how...
Described by Leyland Times as a "financial wizard" in the company, Brian Sefton is also a highly gifted amateur magician who...
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. ansport figure as its sales irector. Geoff McLean has loved to the Charterhouse iroup frieight company after 14 ears with...
Graeme Varley is traffic manager of South Wales Transport. He was prevlously assistant traffic manager with the company. He...