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The Paris Heavy7vehicle Salon.
Considerable uncertainty exists with regard to this year's Paris Commercial
Vehicle Show. The organizing committee of the Salon de l'Automobile, of which Baron retiet is president and 11, Henri Cezanne eommissaire Oneral, has announced quite definitely that there will be no "second series" at the Grand Palais this Year. In 1921, 1922,, 1923, 1924 and 1926, the Paris Automobile Salon has always been followed, at a feW days' interval, by the " Deuxieme Serie," a heavy-vehicle 'exhibition. Interviewed upon the subject, -M. Cezanne stated that the committee had no intention of suppressing the commercial •show 'altogether if they could find ii way of continuing it, ,The response of agents and manufacturers to the committee's efforts last year was, said M. Chenille, not nearly so hearty as on former occasions. The committee, therefore, felt that they were not justified in continuing the old arrangement.
Two schemes are under consideration at the moment. One is to hold the show concurrently with the Salon de l'Automobile, but in another building, as the Grand Palais is obviously incapable of containing both shows at the same time. There would be certain advantages attached to holding the two shows concurrently, owing to the very great number of visitors attracted to Paris during the Salon de l'Automobile. The second idea would be to postpone the commer
cial show until the snrine. Even in this case, however, the Grand Palais could not be used, as that buildiwi. is .invariably booked Up for other exhibitions in the spring. It is greatly to be hoped that the organizers will find a satisfactory solution to the problem .without delay, as the show is an important one. Tire Salon de l'Automobile has now been fixed for October 6th to 16th.
Back Numbers Wanted.
We have received an application . from the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce of New York for certain back numbers of The Commercial Motor which are required in order to -complete the series in the Chamber's library. The actual issues that are needed are those for March 18th and June.. 10th. 1915, and October :24th, 1918, and we 'shall be glad to hear from ,,my renders who have -any, or all, of
these issues of which they are prepared 'to dispose. • A Lafily's Fine Fea
A Lafily, 24-ton vehicle has just aecomplished a notable performance by finishing seventh in the list ovehicles participating in the recen Monte Carlo Rally. The chassis as fitted with a special de luxe Wey an body arranged to sear eight pe' le, with accommodation for two couch s, so that sleep could be taken en rout
Many of those engaged in to French industry thought that the ecision of the Laffiy Co. to take part i the rally was in the nature of a hop less task. for it was thought imposs ble for 'a vehicle of the type entered t complete the journey within the sche nled time at the high speeds called fir. It is,. therefore, an the more cred table that
the vehicle finished so Jaigh the _list. especially when it is remems red that it competed with 70 .tourin cars.
The 'vehicle' commenced i s journey from Stockholm. and cover .a total distance of 3,750 miles, du ng which much bad -weather "was -e Countered: No mechanical hitch occurre through
out the entire 'run. • . • • • • More Guy Chassis for Rio de • Janeiro.
Some of the prominent B 'fish commercial vehicle makers conti tte -to receive a goodly 'portion of the orders' given out by important aut ritie4 and private users in countries ov rseas, and an indication of the esteem iii which the products of such makers are held is given by a recent repeat or r received by Guy Motors, Ltd.,. Fall ngs Park, Wolverhampton, from the Ric de Janeiro Tramways. The actual ord r is for 99 bus chassis.
Affairs of Halley's Motors.
The liquida'v f Ilalley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., hag now submitted to a statutory meeting of creditors a statement of the affairs of the company. After meeting the preferential debts (amounting to about £3,000) there remain, as free assets, the machinery, stock in trade, fiiiniture, debts due to the company, velecles at works and on consignment and cash in hand, the total value of witch is placed at £41,710. Creiitors to the extent of £16,226 are wholly secured, a partly secuwd creditor ranks for £42,904, the amount dueto unsevored cash and trade credito..a stands at £69,519, whilst contingent and estimated claims total £6,420. There is, thus, a deficiency of £77,133, to which must be added the capital loss of £3=,519, represented now in the balance sheet by a debit balance on profit-and loss account and the difference between the values as represented in the books of a going concern and the break-up value of the assets. This latter item amounts to no less than £185.773. A joint advisory committee has been set up to examine the reconstruction proposals.
Lacre Sweepers for Municipalities.
The motor sweepers produced by the Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd., Letchworth, Herts, are used by many municipal authorities, and that they are giving satisfaction in the hands of these users is indicated by the repeat orders which the company are con'stantly receiving. Amongst the latest orders of this description which have been received mention can be made of that from the Glasgow Corporation for four machines, another for two machines from the Belfast authorities and a third from the Nottingham Corporation for two machines.
Included in the list of new buyers of Lacre sweepers is the Bristol authorities which have placed an initial order for three machines.
It is also interesting to note that the County Borough of Stockport has selected the Lucre tipping wagon for its most recent order for machines for the use of its cleansing department, thus increasing its fleet of Liter° vehicles to eight.
Karrier Agents Wanted. Karrier Motors, Ltd., advises us that is open to consider applications from "well-established motor agents for the remesentatiou of Karrier interests in the counties of Northumberland and Durham, and those interested in the matter should communicate with the company at Karrier Works, Huddersfield. .
Shows in the Irish Free State.
The shows in the Irish Free State which are approved by. the Society of Iliotor Manufacturers and Traders, and at which complete commercial motor vehicles (not chassis or parts) can be exhibited, are the Royal Dublin Society's Spring Show, held at Balls Bridge. Dublin, from May llth-14th, and the Munster Agricultural. Show, held at Cork, on June 22nd and 23rd.
British Sweepers for Continental Authorities.
It is of particular interest to note, rem the list of private owners and aunicipalities which have recently daced orders srith Karrier Motors, 44., Sorrier Works, Huddersfield, the tames of the Berlin, Prague and 3udapest municipalities, -which have ach placed an order with the company or an example of its 1150-tyPe weeper, sprinkler and collector. limilar appliances are being purchased ■ 3, the Lambeth Borough Council and he Liverpool Corporation.
On the passenger-carrying side menion may be made of the purchase of 8-seater, rigid-framed six-wheelers by Whittaker, of Guiseleyr Skewen 'Terve, Skewen, Glamorgan, and Banor Motor Services, County Down, reland. The company is building hassis of varioue types and sizes for hipment to Australia and New ;ealand.
M.A.B. Wants Ambulance Chassis. The Metropolitan Asylums Board is repared to receive tenders for the apply of 12 petrol-driven, pneumaticred, low-loading ambulance chassis of special type built to the Board's specication. Tenders have to be delivered ot later than February 11th to the llerk to the Board, Victoria Embanklent, London, E.C.4. Those who wish 3 secure an idea of the special requirelents of the Board will do well to cruse the lengthy article describing the aecimen chassis built in the workshops f the Board, which was published in ur issue dated December 14th last.
ailwayLorries for Farm Transport.
An important scheme is under ':onderation by the Great Western Rail'ay Co. in order to enhance the road linsport of goods in, the Vale of Glaorgan, an important agricultural area. The company has recognized that
• ain services in this area are bladelate for the needs of the farming cornunity, and proposes to. supplement tent by a fleet of lorries wnrking to
an organized system. The lorries are proposed for the transport of foodstuffs, fertilizers and general, farming requisites to farms and the collection of market produce for transport to sales or other centres.
The Cowbridge, Glam., branch of the National Farmers' Union has been requested to consult local farmers and horticulturists to ascertain their views of the scheme so as to enable the company to form an idea of what would be required, and what might be expected in the way of support, for the undertaking. The question is to be considered by the Cowbridge farmers at their next meeting.
Traffic Proposals at Birmingham. An interim report has been prepared by the special committee appointed to review the traffic problem in the centre of the city of Birmingham. The proposals, it is stated, are far-reaching. Among the questions considered have been one-way traffic, municipal garages, street parking-places, the breaking up of streets by various corporation departments and tramway loading places. Commercial Vehicles for Government Departments.
Amongst the orders for commercial motor vehicles given out by Government Departments during December last were the following :—For the Admiralty: a motor fire-engine to be supplied by Merryweather and Sons, Ltd. ; trailer fire pumps by Dennis Bros., Ltd. ; Morris commercial 1-ton and 10cwt. vans by Stewart and Ardern, Ltd. ; and 1-ton roadIess vehicles by Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd.
For the War Office: Six-wheeled 'chassis by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., Karrier Motors, Ltd., Guy Motors, Ltd., and Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd.; Crossley-Kegresse machines by Crossley Motors. Ltd.; tracked tractors by Carden-Loyd Tractors, Ltd., and half-track vehicles by the Four-Wheel Drive Lorry Co., Ltd.
For the Air Ministry : 30-40-cwt. vehicles by Leyland Motors, Ltd.
For the G.P.O. authorities: Motor vehicles by the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Morris Motors. Ltd.. and W. U. Perry,. Ltd.
For the Crown Agents for the Colonies : Motor vehicle chassis by the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd.
North Midland Transport Board.
At the recent annual meeting at Nottingham of the North Midland Road Transport Board the following officers were appointed for the ensuing year :— Capt. C. Davenport, chairman; Mr.
J. Corrin, vice-chairman; Mr. W. H. Shaw, treasurer ; Mr. J. H. Trease and Mr. W. Habgood, secretaries, with Messrs. G. H. Dalgleish, L. Alderman, F. R. Offier and E. Treads-ell as the sub-committee of employers, and Messrs. J. Martin, W. Pendleton, P. W. Boyle and W. Adkin the sub-committee of employees.
WaIsall's Bus Plans.
At a special meeting of the Walsall Town Council held a few days ago it was unanimously decided to abandon the tramway service between Walsall and Walsall Wood, a distance of about four miles, and to use motorbuses on the route. The new service will not be put into operation until October, and the capital cost of the scheme is given at £26,250. The Advantages of Joint Municipal Bus Services.
Local authorities in South Wales have become strong advocates of the system whereby councils in adjoining areaS are partners in bus-running enter
prises. They claim that the system effects an economy and makes for smoother working than is possible when separate enterprises are run by neighbouring authorities. Through services, it is claimed, are at once established without passengers being called upon to make changes and no acrimony creeps into ,the relationships between councils, as is sometimes the case where councils
In adjoining areas run buses independently of one another.
Apart from the joint municipal service established by the Bedwellty and Mynyddislwyn Urban District Councils and the projected service of the Risen and Abercorn Councils, a third joint service is now proposed. The Blaenavon (Mon.) Urban District Council suggested to the Pontypool Urban District Council the promotion of a Bill seeking sanction to the joint running of buses. The BIaenavon Council urges that such a service would be a paying concern. The Pontypool Council has appointed a committee to investigate the likely financial result and to negotiate with the neighbouring authority.
A Protest Against Excessive Taxation.
A strong protest against present heavy taxation upon motor vehicles was forthcoming at the annual meeting held on January 31st at Nottingham' of the North Midland Road Transport Joint Board, which embraces a wide territory within the scope of its operations and c22 has been responsible for maintaining excellent , relationships between employers and men. Upon the proposal of Mr. F. j. Brookhouse, seconded by Mr. A. Dixon, a resolution was adopted expressing grave concern regarding the heavy and constantly increasing imposts which ate being levied on the mechanical road transport industry.
The Basle Fair.
Basle Pair, the annual exhibition of Swiss industries, is this year being held from April 2nd to 12th. During the (past year the new permanent buildings have been completed. The Fair is divided into a number of different sec
tions, and one of them is given over to transport. Representatives of British concerns who contemplate visiting the Fair can obtain full information concerning it and of the facilities which are available from the Commercial Division, Swiss Legation, 32, Queen Anne Street, London, W.1.
Welding Engineers' Meeting.
A meeting of the Institution of Welding Engineers is being held at Milton Hall, Deansgate, Manchester, tomorrow (Wednesday) at 7 p.m., when a paper entitled "The Welding of Cast Iron" will be read by Mr. P. L. Roberts..
Destination Indicators for Buses.
Destination indicators of various patterns are given_much prominence in illustrations appearing in a catalogue which the Equipment and Engineering Co.. 2 and 3. Norfolk Street, London, W.0.2, has just issued. • A number 'of' different models is marketed for use on motorbuses. The catalogue also contains details of other equipment.
Report of the North-Eastern Division of the C.M.U.A.
In the annual report of the northeastern division of the Commercial Motor Users Association, which has been issued to members by Mr. Ernest Harrison, the secretary, it is stated that, in view of the state of trade generally the committee feels it has reason to be 'satisfied with the results of the year 1926 so far as membership and finance are concerned. The accounts show a small balance on the right side, and 101 new members were obtained during the year. The membership of the division is now approximately 900, but it is not considered sufficient in a county like Yorkshire, in which there are many thousands of vehicle owners.
Ninety-eight cases of legal defence and representation passed through the hands of the divisional secretary during the year. Referring to activities with regard to appeals on behalf of members who have been refused licences to ply for hire with motor omnibuses, and in cases of opposition to applications by public authorities to the Ministry of Transport for powers to run services, it is stated that these cases have been too numerous to detail. The whole subject of licences to ply, for hire is most involved, but for the benefit of members certain points are enumerated in the report.
The committee line co-operated with the Scarborough Road Improvement Association in an attempt to get rid of dangerous corners and bad road surfaces and to secure the widening 'of certain narrow roads in the Scarborough district. It opposed the application of the West Riding County Council to close certain roads, some to all motor traffic, and others to commercial vehicles.
The Share of the Horse.
A Surrey County Council report mentions that the percentage of horse-drawn vehicles to the total number of vehicles at all points in the county is only 2.07, and that the increase in the weight of traffic between 1922 and 1925 is somewhat startling.
Lamplugh Spring Seats. • The patent type of spring seat made by Lamplugh Spring Seats, Ltd., 419, Abbey House, •Westminster, London. S.W.1, is largely used on motorbuses and coaches, and the various forms in which this seat is supplied are illustrated and referred to in a folder which the company has recently issued. Development of the French Export Trade.
Last year witnessed a marked developlent in the export trade in French-built ommercial motors. The latest figures vailable are those for the ten months nded with October last, during which eriod no fewer than 4.286 such vehicles f a value of 189,230,000 francs were upped from France, as against 4,042 150,747,000 francs) in the correspondig ten months of 1925. On the other and the imports of foreign commercial chides during the same period declined • om 137 (1,109,000 francs) in 1925 to aly 51 (626,000 francs) in 1926.
Sea-washed Roads.
Lancashire County Council is importing a request from the Great Crosby rban District Council to the effect that is county council should make applicaon to the Ministry of Transport for an rder, under the provisions of Section (4) of the Roads Act, 1920, for the osing of portions of Burbo Bank Road id Hall Road West, streets within the ,-ban district, to all mechanically prodied vehicles, owing to the roads'being
• a dangerous condition as a result of ke erosion of the sea coast at that Ant.
Tanks for Bulk Transport of Liquids.
Thompson Bros. (Bilston), Ltd., radley, Bilston, has just issued a lder which indicates the different tes to which the special types of tank • oduced by the company can be put. s many of our readers well know, T.B. elded tanks are largely used on all pee of commercial chassis for the [import of bulk supplies of motor hit, milk and other liquids.
New Polish Lorry Works.
The construction of the lfrsus motorrry works near Warsaw was cornAed in December of last year. The w company, contrary to the pracst in certain small works in Poland, 11 construct the complete lorries, and 11 use Polish material. Its producm plan provides at present for the nstruction of only 500 lorries a year, but it is realized that this output will meet only a small part of the country's requirements.
The Ursus eon-any will develop its production as its sales increase and this is expected to take place quickly, for until now Poland has been entirely dependent upon foreign commercial vehicle makers. An order from the Ministry of War for 300 motor lorries is already being dealt with.
The establishment of the works was due to Polish initiative and capital, with the financial assistance of the Maiopolski Bank and the Bank of National Economy. The participation of foreign capital is small, not exceeding 10 to 15 per cent.
Efficient Friction Fabrics.
Capasco brake linings, which are manufacturei by tie Cape Asbestos Cu., Ltd., 23, King Street, Cheapside, London, E.02, are particularly suitable for use on commercial vehicles. The company is in the fortunate position of possessing its own asbestos mines and it is able, therefore, to select the best raw material for its products. It also adopts a special method of weaving the brass content into the asbestos, thus giving to the fabric the outstanding property of durability. No resin or bitumen is used in the manufacture of this lining and it is, therefore, not inflammable.
An International Exhibition at Budapest.
At the International Automobile Exhibition to be helt. in Budapest from June 4th to 13th an interesting historic section will be organized, which will contain, for example, the first Benz and Daimler motors. The Hungarian railway and shipping companies will grant facilities to exhibitors and visitors. A section for motor lorries and tractors will be included in the exhibition.
In Hungary last December there were 1,919 lorries, 6,782 passenger cars, 2,889 motorcycles and 382 special vehicles, a total of 11,972. Of this number 7,735, or 64.6 per cent., were registered in Budapest and the remainder in the provinces.
" Talks " with Drivers.
The next of the series of talks with drivers, which are organized by the West Midlands Division of the Commercial Motor Users Association, will be held at the Crown Hotel, Hill Street, Birmingham, to-day (Tuesday), at 7.30 p.m., when Mr. J. P. Diamond, engineer to the Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd., will open the discussion on "A Talk About Electrical Equipment." Mr. O. Cecil Power will be in the chair, Villiers Lighting Sets for Railway Lorries.
We understand that repeat orders for Villiers lorry lighting sets have been received from the London, Midland and Scottish and Great Western Railway companies for some of the vehicles of their fleets. Several well-known haulage concerns have also recently installed similar equipment. It will be remembered that the complete outfit, including headlamps; dimmer switch and generator, sells for 7 guineas.
No Model Bus By-laws.
In answer to an inquiry by Mr. Robert Mossop, clerk to the Woking Urban District Council, who asked for a copy of the most recent model by-laws relating to motor omnibuses, the Minister of Health states that no such model bylaws have been issued.
Local Proceedings.
Bolton Corporation is to invite tenders for the supply of three tipping. lorries.
-Bolton Watch Committee is considering the advisability of purchasing a turntable 4re-escape.
Walthamstow Urban District Council has accepted the tender of the Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd., at £490, for the supply of a motor sweeper.
Leeds Corporation has authorized the purchase of a Fordson industrial tractor and two trailers from Tate, Leeds, Ltd., at a price not exceeding £650.
The sum of £725 is the amount allocated in the Swansea Watch Committee's estimates for the proposed purchase of a new police motor ambulance, .
The sanitary committee of the Birkenhead Corporation recommends acceptance of the tender of Dennis Bros., Ltd., at .£700 for the supply of a 21ton motor lorry.
The works committee of the Bermondsey Borough Council recommends the purchase of four tractors and two trailers for refuse collection at a total cost of about £1,400.
Oldham Corporation has accepted the tender of Guy Motors, Ltd., for the supply of a 21-ton tipping wagon for the -cleansing department.
Manchester Corporation has accepted the tender of Messrs. F. Kenning and` Son, Manchester, for the supply of a 25-cwt. Morris-Commercial lorry for the rivers department.
Surrey County Council has purchased a 25-cwt. Morris-Commercial motorvan at a cost of £315 for the transport of books in connection with the district library scheme.
The tramways committee of the Northampton Corporation recommends acceptance of the tenders of Guy Motors, Ltd., for the supply of four bus chassis and of Grose, Ltd., for four 26enter bodies for £1,340.
Bury Corporation is seeking powers to run motorbuses in the borough and on some routes outside, but the Lancashire County Council reports that the corporation has inserted the usual protective clauses, including that with rz,gard to the adaptation of roads.
c24 Leeds Corporation has authorized the purchase of a Morris chassis for the water department at a cost of £310. .
Leeds Corporation is to invite quotations for the supply of a steam wagon for the Kidacre destructor works.
The Lancaster Corporation has added to its fleet of motorbuses by purchasing a 24-seater Daimler vehicle.
Southampton Corporation has just placed a repeat order for Guy low-load.ing 26-seater buses, which, when delivered, will bring the authority's fleet of Guy vehicles up to 11.
Fleetwood 'Urban District Council is seeking powers to run motorbuses within and outside the urban district, and the Lancashire County Council is pressing for a clause with regard to road adaptation.
The tramways committee of the Bolton Corporation has accepted the tender of Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the supply of five 55-seater double-deck motorbuses on cushion tyres and foe five 34-seater single-deck buses on pneumatic tyres.
Manchester Watch Committee recommends the purchase of a 14 h.p. Crossley coach for the fire brigade.
Oldham Corporation has accepted the tender of Karrier Motors, Ltd;, for the supply of two road sweepers and collectors.
Manchester Watch Committee is making provision in estimates for the purchase of another petrol-Propelled motor fire-engine. • The highways committee of the Lancashire County Council recommends opposing the application of St. Helens Corporation for power to run runless vehicles dutside the city.
The fire brigade committee of the London County Council has acceded to a request made by the Cairns (Australia) Fire Brigade that an officer of the brigade be allowed to inspect a motor fireengine constructed for. the brigade, on the understanding that neither the council nor the chief officer accepts responsibitity for any advice given in the matter.
American Exports.
Although only 7.311 commercial motor vehicles, valued at £906,566, were exported from the United States during November last, the shipments last year underwent a marked' increase. The latest returns available are those for the first eleven months of 1926, during which period the exports amounted to no fewer than 62,926 vehicles (£8,7.65,308) as contrasted with 49.724 vehicles of a value of £6,462,529 in the corresponding period of the preceding year.
Purchasers of Thornycrofts.
Amongst the batch of orders for commercial vehicles received by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.. during the week ended January 29th was included one in the nature of a repeat order from the Wigan Corporation Tramways for two T.TB-type passenger chassis and four LB-type passenger chassis, all of which are to be equipped with bus bodies built locally. Several years ago Wigan Corporation decided to standardize on Thornycroft buses, of which they are now running a number made up of 20 to 32 seater vehicles.
In this period an order was also received from Shell-Mex, Ltd., for three A2-type 2-ton chassis and an Al-type 30-cwt. chassis. During the week referred to this company also took delivery of two Thornycroft 1,200-gallon tank wagons, whilst a further six PB-type short-wheelbase chassis were delivered to the Great Western Railway Co., as part of its order for 50 Thornycroft chassis.
Buses v. Railways in the Dutch East Indies.
report recently to hand from Batavia states that motorbus competition along certain sections of both the private and State railway lines in Sumatra and Java appears to be assuming larger proportions. The Pftsoeroean Steam Vram Co.. Java, has endeavoured to overcome this competition by inaugurating a similar bus service in addition to its steam trams, four motor vehicles having been ,acquired for this purpose. The Deli Railwny Co., of Northern Sumatra, is also reported to ha-.-e drafted a new service schedule, with a view to increasing the number of motor railcars on its lines.