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Industry. 1HIS special issue of The Commercial Motor is devised in order to bring home to readers a e journal the undoubted...
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Some most distressful gears. But cannot always vouch. Of Manchester men looking cheerier. That a. dumb-iron is also bad for a...
Up North people do not waste words. Here is the dialogue of a visit by a haulier to a commercial vehicle agent in search of...
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The Paris Heavy 7 vehicle Salon. Considerable uncertainty exists with regard to this year's Paris Commercial Vehicle Show....
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The Birth and Growth of an Important Municipal Passenger Service. By C. Owen Silvers, A.NLI.E.K, M.Inst.T., General Manager...
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A Few Examples of All-the-year-round Daily Services Between the Metropolis and Certain Important Centres. A DEVELOPMENT in...
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NUITE a lot of matter regarding jpetrol piper., and their Weaknesses lies peered recently in this journal. Any ults in the...
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The Standard of Comfort Called for is that Already Provided on Main-line Railway Trains. T HE use of the bus, or saloon coach,...
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HASS'S OF 1927. -vv E INCLUDED in our issue of last year devoted to passenger travel an article concerning tendencies in the...
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C rIATTING recently with a designer who has had many years' -experience with power units having six cylinders, we were much...
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Brief Details of the Chassis which are Suited for Bus or Coach Work. tyres (the letter S denoting solids and the letter P...
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The Growth of the Midland " Red " Motor Services, With Some Reference to the Type of Vehicle Called for by the Special Work...
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The Development and Progress of the Means for Introducing an Air Cushion Between Road and Vehicle. O NE of the most noticeable...
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The Finest Cab Service in the World and the Wonderful New Garages That House It. A FTER the extraordinary, pro-tigress made...
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The Progress That Has Been Made in the Design of Country Carriers' Vehicles and the Effect Thereof on Country Life. 'MOT many...
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A Well-appointed 10-seater Vehicle Built for Continental Motorways, Ltd., and Intended for High-class Touring Service. W E...
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Rapid Growth in the Use of the Road Passenger Vehicle in the Past Five Years. Better Roads Will Aid Development of the...
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A Treatment in Non-technical Terms of a Subject of Great Importance to All Users. T "question whether a certain type of...
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"DASSENGERCARRYING under.E takings hi the North of England are making considerable preparations still further to increase their...
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A Development Which, But a Few Years Ago, Would Have Seemed Fantastic, But is To-day Providing a High Standard of Travel...
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Four New A.D.C. Chassis for Fast Passenger Work. Bringing in the Sleeve-valve Engine. rplIE new group of passenger chassis 1...
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The Scope for this Type of Chassis. Present and Future Progress. Pointers on Design. T J ONG before a single example of . the...
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T HERE is a great-deal of difference between the performance demanded from a sparking plug used in the engine of a commercial...
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Six Hundred Vehicles Now Operating Over Nearly 2,000 Miles of Routes. 30SITIVELY and unequivocally _ definite as have been the...
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Some Interesting Details of the Practice and System of Working of the Berlin General Bus Co. A LTHOUGH it is quite possible...
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T HERE has been a good deal of controversy regarding the various methods of securing emergency exits so that there is little or...
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The Pros and Cons of the Omnibus for Use in and around Large Cities. An Instance where the Tramcar Costs Less to Operate than...
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A New Device for Extracting Vitiated Air and Admitting Fresh Air. 1HE question of bus ventilation is one which has been...
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A Special Design of Covered-top Double-deck Bus with a Comparatively Low Overall Height. A LTHOUGH it is only of recent months...
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'N our issue of last week we referred very briefly to the . new McCurd chassis, made by the McCurd Lorry Manucturing Co., Ltd....
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The Reasons for Spring Bouncing and How this Undesirable Disability Can be Overcome. Details of the Commercial Model Houdaille...
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, Brief Description of a Type of Vehicle which the Nottingham Corporation is Using on a Route Running Out of the City. OST of...
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A Safe Chassis Only is Not Sufficient. The Need for Good Emergency Exits and Power-operated Doors. Details of an Interesting...
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Useful Contributions from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. Two Getting-home Tips. k BROKEN water pipe is not a common...
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A Resum of Recently Published Patent Specifications. I N the specification of N. V. Hollandsche Ijzerhandel, of Amsterdam, No....