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The Renault Desert Exploit.
Two six-wheeled Renault machines, carrying six passengers each, have just succeeded in Crossing the.125 miles of desert between Touggurt in Southern Algeria and _Tozeur in Tunis.' The expedition was organized -by At Dal*Piaz, director of the Compagnie • Generale Transatlarttique, with the object of test.• fog 'the posaibilitiiisOf -linking up the -wonderful series of motor coach services already, run by the Company in -Algeria and Tunis. The robtis 'was through-a country of steep, .loose sand dunes, which the Renault cars negotiated with surprising ease. • Alth•ough this journey has already beenmade by Citroen-Kegresse chaintrack machines, this is the first time that wheeled automobiles, have slicceeded iii getting. over such a severe stretch of soft desert. Dunes with a. slope of 30 to 35 degrees were surmounted. without difficulty. The journey was completed in -'120 hours' actual runningtime. The maehines -had the -same engine which_ is used in the 10 li.p: Renault touring car, and they. were -fitted with giant prieiii
matic tyres all iound.
Proposed Shock-absorber Trials for heavy Vehicles in Paris.
It seems probable that a series of springing and shock-absorber trials for heavy vehicles will shortly be organized in Paris by the municipal council. The suggestion comes from M. Jousselin, a councillor who is always most active in all matters connected with mechanical tran sport.
For some time past the council has been considering the possibility of adopting giant pneumatic tyres for the city's transport vehicles. The municipal exchequer is not in a very flourishing condition, and it is probabfe that the scheme
will have to be abandoned on the score of expense. The sub-committee of the council has, nevertheless, decided to continue the exliaustive trials of giant pneumatics on the four motor omnibuses which have now been running on various routes in 'Paris Tor morethan a year past. These four buses are operating on the Mend montant-Montparnasse route at the present time,. but the route which they serVe• is frequently chang_ed in order that the tyres with which they are shod can
be on the different paving surfaces of the city.
Production Engineers' Meeting.
A general meeting of the Institution of Production Engineers will be held at 7.30 p.m. on January 16th at the Engineers' Club, Coventry Street, London, W.I. On this occasion Messrs. J. E. Baty, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., and A. J. C. Brookes (late of the National Physical Laboratory), of the Pitter Gauge and Precision Tool Co.' Ltd., Woolwich, will deliver a paper dealing with " Accuracy in Production Engineering," to be illustrated by lantern slides.
The Staffing of Six-wheelers:
N has Often been the subject of cornmeat amongst commercial motor owners that. conditions on the labour side of the Liverpool transport indnstry, seem more rigorous than in Other parts 'of the country.For instance, with regard to the employment of secohd, men,: the limal Motormen's _Union insists' that •,all vehicles above a certain_carrying capacitY Should be staffed lay two-men. Yet, often enough, vehicles from other towas visit the cityunder the 'control of one man only.. Knowing that . they. would experience difficulties, owhers•of some of these vehicles often employ-a second man for the day When they enter the city. Otherwise, owing to the inter-union arrangements at 'Liverpool, difficulty might_ be experienced in getting the vehicles loaded up on account of the attitude of the warehouse workers, members of another union. In consequence of the increasing popularity of the six-wheeledvehicle of the tractor-lorry type; anew demand is being put forward by the Liverpool Motor Drivers' Union to the, effect that
vehicles this description should be staffed by three men—a driver and two assistants. It is stated that there is considerable unemployment amongst Liverpool motor drivers, and that the action of the union is due to a desire to get the transport industry to absorb its own unemployed.
French Exports And Imports.
The number of lorries exported from France during the first nine months of 1923 was 1,796, valued at 57,903,000 frt. The chief markets in which these vehicles were absorbed were Spain 359, Switzer-, land 356, Belgium 345, Great Britain 155, Algeria 142, Morocco 73, Sarre region 37, Tunis 34, French Indo-China 26, Sweden" 14, Holland 11, Germany 7, Senegal 6, Madagascar 5, other countries 161. During the corresponding period of 1922 3,277 commercial vehicles, valued at 128,318,000 frs., went abroad. .
The number of commercial vehicles imported during the periods under review increased from 17 to 71, the United States supplying 37 and Germany 21.
An Important Oil Contract.
Messrs. Frank 1-low and Co., Trogon -Works; 77-83, High Street, Stratford, London, E.15, manufacturers and blenders of the brand of lubricating oils sold under the trade mark " Trogon," inform us that they have recently been accorded what is perhaps the most important contract for lubricating oil for use in aircraft: engines placed .in this country by the Air Ministry since the war.
We regret that in. a paragraph referring to Mr. W. J. Lewin's new appoint
: ment with John' FoWler and CO: (Leeds), Ltd., We stated that he had occupied the post. of managing director with the York. shire Patent Steam Wagon Caa. , As a matter of fact,. Mr. Lewin's post with tlii,a company was that of general manager, and he waS not on the directorate.
French Motor Taxes.
The proposal of the French Government to increase by 150,000,000 francs the total tax on motor vehicles is meeting with energetic opposition, not only on the part of the automobile clubs, but also on the part of various Chambers of Commerce and commercial federations. It is maintained that the present taxes are more than sufficient to pay for the upkeep of the roads, and that any increase in taxation would be prejudicial to the interests of motor manufacturers and to commerce and industry generally.
The Chamber of Commerce of Amiens also urges that the proceeds of the present automobile tax should be applied entirely to the repair of the roads.
Demonstrating a Trolley-bus.
• A trolley-bus was recently demonstrated before the members of the Birkenhead Tramways Committee by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd. The car, which had been running in Birmingham for two months, has a seating capacity for 36 people, the electric motor develops 33.7 h.p., the maximum speed is 21 m.p.h., and, when unladen, the: weight of the vehicle is 5 tons 7 cwt. Two similar buses-are in use at Leeds And two at, Mexborough. The vehicle demonstrated that its capacity for speed was much better than that of the ordinary tramcar.
Two New L.G.O. Garages.
On January 9th the new garages or the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., at Barking and Sutton will open for the operation of motorbuses; these will bring the total number of garages up to 37. Barking garage will have accommodation for 109 buses, and Sutton garage will hold 100. Other garages are now being erected by the company at Bromley, Romford and Sidcup.
Water for Steam Wagons.
The new device for giving deliveries of water to steam wagons is slowly but surely giving evidence of the useful service it can render. As is well known, the apparatus has been approved by the British Waterworke Association, the Commercial Motor Users Association, and the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, and it delivers water by
means of the joint use of a key supplied by the local water authority and a token (issued by the -C.M.U.A.) in a uniform type of service box fitted witha lock mechanism.
In Liverpool 12 of these service boxes are now in use. Type A installations (pressure feed) are fitted at : (1) Pall Mall (outside the L.C.W.W. workshop), (2) Sefton Street, (3) Pier Head (top of floating bridge), (4) Tunnel Road, (5) handbills Lane (Regent , Road end).
Type B installations (underground tanks with suction hose) are located at :—(6) Pall Mall (outside the L.C.W.W. workshop), (7) Queen's Drive, Walton (outside the baths), (8) Commercial Road (Stanley Road earner), (9) Broadgreen Road (city boundary), (10) Knotty Ash (near old tram terminus), (11) St. Mary's Road, Garston, and (12) Knotty Ash. The last-named service box is served from the Liverpool to Prescot main. This box is not on the new road, but on the loop formed by the old road close to the Knotty Ash tramway terminus.
Arrangements have almost been completed with county authorities to fix additional boxes on the Prescot road, and these will probably be on the bypasses formed where the new roads cut off the angle in the old road. Colonel Davidson (Liverpool Water Engineer) has received-complaints with regard to the position of the service boxes at Queen's Drive, Walton, Liverpool, and if he can secure a good site on the main road passing to the north through Aintree and Fazakerly, the Queen's Drive station will probably be removed.
The West Cheshire Co. have decided to install two approved service boxes in the Wirral. One will be erected at Bromborough.
Personal Pars.
The board of directors of Sentinel 'Weggbri. Works (1920), .Ltd., have appointed Mr. K Price-Jones as general manager of the home section of the company's business under the managing director, and in parallel with the general manager of the foreign section, Mr.
L. E. Slade. .
Mr. Price-Jones will be stationed. et the Sentinel Works. He received his training in the railway works at Crewe, where he was assistant to the works manager for a period of seven years and then assistant to the running superintendent and also outdoor superintendent. He joined the army with a commission in the Royal Engineers in 1914 and was discharged in 1916. He was then appointed assistant chief engineer at. Crewe and, later, appointed to succeed the chief designer on his future retirement, Mr. Price-Jones resigned that position to become personal assistant to the managing director of Crossley Motors, Ltd, but later joined the staff of Fodens, , Ltd., with which company he has been associated for some years.
His wide experience and high personal character give promise of further success in the interests of the Sentinel Co.
Supt. T. Breaks, chief of the Nottingham City Fire Brigade, who has taken a notable part in the development and use of modern fire-fighting appliances, terminated his official service at the close of the year, when he retired on superannuation. He had held the position in Nottingham for over 21 years, having come to the city from Sunderland-, where he was responsible for organizing an admirable force. During his tenure of office in Nottingham he had been responsible for many important reforms, of which the principal was the complete change effected by substituting motor fire-engines for horse-drawn machines and the introduction of a Tilling-Stevens aerial ladder, the latter enabling outbreaks to he dealt with at exceptional altitudes. Under his arrangements, also, the brigade was made responsible for the execution of many indispensable workshop operations, which have contributed to the all-round efficiency of the service.
Herbert Terry and Sons, Ltd., the spring manufacturers, of Redditch, have just added to the staff of -their sales organization by the appointment of Mr. J. L. D. Stanton and Mr. H. V. Sara.
Mr. Stanton represents the .company in the counties of Berks., Hants, Slarrey, Sussex and-Kent, and he has the advantage of a technical training in the cycling and spring industry. Mr. Sara is to negotiate the company's business with traders in the counties of Wilts., Somerset; Dorset, Devon and
Cornwall. He served his apprenticeship with Bruford and Hardy, Ltd., of Plymouth, and, being Devon-born, has a wide knewledge of the West Country-.
Speed Pointsmen.
Devon County Council has been notified by the Minister of Transport that, he has no power to sanction the establishment of .a system of providing pointsmenfor the checking of speed to assist the police in prosecuting offenders. The county council has in the circumstances asked the police to de what they can to check thii evils of eiressiVe. speed.
Taxi Owners' Reforms.
No branch of commercial motor work in Nottingham has developed in greater volume than that relating to the exploitation of taxicabs, and to allay a growing feeling of public irritation occasioned by the extortionate charges of certain drivers, owners have issued a new official scale, which represents a reduction of about 26 per cent. upon former rates. Taxis in connection with which the official conditions are complied with will be distinguished by a red monogram incorporating 'the letters " A.T.O.A.," and in this way it is hoped to prevent impositions, of which there have been too many flagrant instances of late.
The Danish Army Trials.
The recent Danish Army mechanical road transport trials, in which the Citroki-Kegresse chain-track vehicle and the Ford took part, were probably the severest official trials to which any motor vehicles have yet been subjected. One is becoming accustomed to the prodigies performed by the Citroki-Kegresse machine in the way of negotiating bad ground, but on the oecagion of the Danish trials the conditions were truly appalling. The trials lasted ten days, and each day seemed to provide something more difficult of attainment than the previous one.
The Citroen-Keg,resse travelled for many miles along the coast, running actually in the sea and towing the Ford,
which was up to the axles in sea-water, behind it. After this the enormous dunes of fine shifting sand were tackled, but the film of the vehicle's performance in the Sahara has already shown us what can be accomplished by the vehicle in sand. Heather country honeycombed with holes and nicely sown with boulders ',was next negotiated, marshland and deep bogs being subsequently crossed, the trials concluding with a number of climbing and ditch-crossing tests and a long run on main roads.
In one of the bogs the CitroiM-Kegresse vehicle very nearly disappeared from view, but it was eventually successfully extricated by means of blocks and tackle., In the ditch-negotiating tests, banks having angles of from 30 degrees to 45 degrees were climbed, both in the forward direction and in reverse. _
Lancaster Services.
At a meeting of the Lancaster Watch Committee an application was submitted from Larnbsfield Motors Ltd:, for a licence for a bus to ply for hire between Dalton Square and Priest
Hutton via Kellett. The application was granted, subject to the company undertaking not to pick up, to set down, passengers within the borough.
A communication was submitted from. the County Motors (Lancaster), Ltd., in respect of the Cockerham bus service, and consideration of the matter was deferred.
U.A.S. Provident Society.
The United Automobile Services Employees' ProvidentSociety, which is a staff organisation run by United Automobile Services, Ltd., of Lowestoft, has issued its report and statement of accounts for the year ended September 30th last. This shows that the contributions-by the company and the members of the provident section have increased by about 2170, and that the amount -paid out for sickness benefit under the scheme is 296 less than in the previous
year. The decrease in payments and the increase in receipts enable the society to show a better reserve fund than formerly.
Contributions to the • legal defence fund have increased by 260 as cornpared with the, previous year, and the claims paid out are 230 less than in the period covered by the previous report. This is the society's fourth year of working, and the .report reveals a very satisfactory state of affairs. All claims have been met and a balance remains over.
The policy adopted by the committee has been to proceed cautiously and to keep a good reserve in hand, and the benefits now payable, are considerably greater than those originally arranged when the society started. In fact., the committees state that, owing to the combination of the company's contributions with those of the members, the benefits are considerably greater than those offered by other sick benefit clubs and societies.
Tractors in French Indo-China.
It is the practice of the Government, of French Indo-China to hold periodical motor-culture weeks with a view to creatinginterest among native cultivators concerning modern farming Methods. Hitherto tractors have na come out of the various tests with much credit., Owing to the high. cost of petrol, operation costs are high, whilst the land to be worked has generally been unsuitable, resulting in' tractors frequently being put out of action. .A.sliorta.e,of skilled
operators 'hasalso proved adecided Tbs advantage. •
' It -is felt, however, that -none of these factors Can be regarded 'as permanent. handicaps-in a country where vast-,areas of fallow land can be cultiVated by this means. The lack of skilled'labour can be overcome by the training of matives to do this work, whilst the:. price of petrol at the pieisent time is not only abnormal, but is bolstered by the temporary war taxes that-have not yet been removed.
Lincolnshire Road Transport.
Increasing difficulties, which, by reason of the great growth of commercial motor traffic, are being experienced in Lincolnshire through the present. entirely inadequate means of crossing the River Trent at given points, leading to action upon the part of several local authorities in favour of the erection of a new bridge at Littleborough. The • Ministry of Transport has made it perfectly clear that it will not 'find any money towards freeing the Gainsborough toll bridge, which has hitherto proved a remunerative investment to shareholders, but that. if it should be decided to create another structure substantial help will be forthcoming from Government sources.
The revenue obtained from the Gains borough bridge has been augmented greatly. through the income derived in recent years from tolls . on motor vehicles, and amplification of present arrangements is urgently needed.
Business Motorcycles Neglected in Holland.
From the -beginning of 1919 until the end of July last year Holland imported no fewer than 31,272. motorcycles, and the ratio of origin shows that about 50 per cent, of the machines in the country are of American manufacture; 25 per cent. being German and 15 per cent. British. Hitherto little effort has been made to popularize motorcycleo-for business purposes, lecal dealers fearing that its favour as.-a.pleasure vehicle,would be impeded if they pushed its value as a commercial proposition. It is rather difficult to see why this should be, and no difficulty should he experienced in converting many Dutch storekeepers to the use of commercial sidecars from the bicycles that at present do most of the delivery work.
A New Self.measuring Oil Pump.
Sterns, Ltd., Royal London House, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C.2, have just perfected a self-measuring eil pump which should prove of value to owners of motor-vehicle fleets and garages. It is made for fitting to the 40gallon air and water-tight steel barrels in which Sternol oils and greases can be obtained, and it can quickly be fitted to, and removed from, these barrels. The pump screws vertically into the head of the barrel, and it accurately and auto. matically measures quarts, pints and half-pints. The weight of the pump is only 25 lb., and its use does away with inaccurate methods of measuring.
When the pump is-inserted in a barrel a special spring lock prevents the appliance from being tampered with, and thus the possibility of pilferage is avoided.
A Clip-fitting Horn for Fords. • YR.S. Lamps, Ltd., of Station Street, Birmingham, have recently put on the market 'a new monotone straight horn for fitting to Ford windscreens by means of adjustable clips. This is a type of horn which has proved to be very popular amongst certain classes of users, and although it has a musical note, it is penetrating and far-reaching. The horn has an ebony finish, with nickel-plated dust cap and gauge. It is 22 ins, long, and retails at a price of lls. 6d.
Petrol-driven Tramcars in France,
As a result of the official trials of a De Dion petrol-driven tramcar last October, the Ille-et-Vilaine Tramway Co. have placed an order with the manufacturers for ten vehicles of this description and six trailers. During the trials over the line between Rennes and Grand. Fougeray the fuel consumption was 41 gallons for 431 miles' running on the outward trip with a trailer, and only 2.64 gallons on the return trip without the trailer. The machines are of the De Dion-Bouton J.A.-type.
-North American Exports.
During last September 876 lorries of less than 1-ton capacity, 151 between 1-ton and 21-tons and 34 of over 21-tons were exported from the United States. Belgium took 236 of the first group; Mexico, 100; Australia, 67; Chile, 65; Uruguay, 51; Cuba, 48; Peru, 36; Argentina, 31; Canada, 27; New
Zealand, 24; British West Africa, 24; Jamaica' 23; Venezuela, 22; Italy, 20; 'England, 15; and Hong Kong, 10. Great Britain led in the medium group with 79 vehicles, followed by Japan, 59; Australia, 53; Canada, 39; British West Africa, 17; New Zealand, 14; and Mexico, 12. In the heavy 'group Canada led with 13, Australia4Spain and Mexico following with 6, 4 and 3 each respectively.
During the same period Canada exported 1,257 lorries. Australia took 547 of these; Great Britain, 422; New Zealand, 138; India, 58; South Africa, 23; Ceylon, 16; Siam, 14; Straits Settlements, 12; Dutch West Indies, 12; and British East Africa, 10.
Bus Emergency Exits.
Mansfield Watch Committee has called upon the owners of motorbuses plying for hire in the district to arrange for emergency exits to be provided on all their vehicles.
Local Proceedings. . .
Bromley Town Council has purchased a Berliet motor ambulance. "
Burnley, Corporation proposes to piarchaSe'ar. 1-ton lorry for use at the ceme
tery. " •-• .
--'Leeds Corporation Tramways Committee -has purchased six 'Guy meter buses.
Grantham Corporation has decided to purchase a motor road sweeper at a cost of £635. • -' Wimbledon Corporation Highways Committee has decided to purchase a Fordson tractor.
Baildon Urban District Council has decided to seek /rowers to enable it to establish motorbus services.
Kensington Board of Guardians has decided to p.urchase a motor vehicle for thp conveyance of patients.
Hull Corporation Tramways Committee has decided to purchase a Bowser petrol pump at a cost of £95.
The local authorities of Morecambe and Heysham have agreed to the, principle of a joint motorbus service.
Blackpool Corporation Tramways Committee has authorized the purchase of three additional motor omnibuses. • 13urnley Corporation Tramways Committee recommends the purchase of four Leyland motorbuses at a cost of £985 each.
Ilford Urban District. Council _is yecommended to purchase a new Austin eits.ssis at a cost of £425 for ambulance work.
Bolton Corporation Tramways Committee recommends the Purchase of three Leyland 32-seater Motor Mimibuses_ • Omagh Board of Guardians has-been asked by the Ministry of Home Affairs to consider the provision of a motor
LiverpciOI Watch Committee has been asked to consider the 'advisability of providing a motor ambulance for the Garston district.
Edmonton Urban District Council is making another attempt td dispose of five electric vehicles which it purchased for refuse colleCtirig.
Wimbledon Corporation Electricity Committee is considering a proposal to sell a two-ton lorry and purchase a lighter motor vehicle. .
Burnley. Corporation has purchased a Royal-Enfield motorcycle and lioxcarrier sidecar, at a costof £100, for the use of the works department.
ClielmSford Town Council has appointed a committee to rePort on the question of the use of mechanical transport vehicles for corporation work.
St. Helens Corporation has authorized the erection of overhead equipment in connection with the proposed trolleyvehicle service on the Rainhill route.
Blackpool Corporation has agreed to the purchase of two 30-cwt petrol vehicles—one for the tramways department and the other for the electricity department.
Leeds Corporation Tramways Committee has purchased two railless ears from the Associated Equipment Co., -Ltd., and Trackless Cars.Ltd., for the total sum of 23,100.
The Transport Workers Union has asked the Hull Corporation Tramways LCOnnuittee to pay an extra 10 per.cent. to: those drivers who will heirs charge of one-man-controlled buses.
• Southwark Borough Council has pnrchased two 21-ton Dennis • tipping wagons at £624 jfis. each, one 21-ton Burford tipping wagon at £610, and one Dennis street washer at £1,095. . .
The following purchases are recommended by the cleansing committee of the Lambeth Borough Council :—Ford lorry, £200; A.E.C. street wa,tering and washing machine, £1.137; and Karrier road sweeper and collector, £850.
Out of 14 tenders received for the supply of a 2-ton petrol tipping wagon, the Burnley Corporation Highways Cumini-ttee recommends' the acceptance of the tender of Karrier Motors, Ltd., for a Karrier wagon at a cost Of £595: effect that the managing director–of a local firm of motorcar manufacturers is desirous of receiving quotations, preferably c.i.f., from British manufacturers of •component parts. • Approximately 600 sets of component parts will be required, includingframe channel steel, shackle bolts, aluminium
• sheeting (18 gauge}, tank cocks, threeway cocks and tubing for use therewith, sheet-metal stampings for tank ends, lightweight aluminium jacks, oilcans, pumps, and other like accessories, copper tubing, steel tubing, U-bolts, and other such components.
British manufacturers desirous of receiving further particulars regarding this inquiry should apply to the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, S.W.1, quoting reference 12596/E. D./E. C. /2.
Hints on Handling Barrels.
A very useful card has just been prepared by Sterns, Ltd., which should be of particular interest to owners of fleets of commercial vehicles who buy their supplies of oils and the like in barrels. Useful hints are set out on the card in a clear and concise form, which gives information which is useful and necessary in handling and storing oil barrels. Further copies earl be obtained on application to the company at Royal London House, Finsbury Square, London, E.C.2.
In 1922 there were 183 lorries operat
• ing in the-Canary-Islarids; most of them being in-the two islands of Terleriffe and Grand Canary. During the first nine months of this 'year U.'further .35 lorries were imported. As the Canary Islands are very hilly, lorries must possess engine S capable of tackling stiff gradients -without overheating, whilst very good suspension is needed. "
The Value of Alberta Tarsands.
The large area of tarsand lying in the district of Fort McMurray, in the North of Alberta, is now being worked in a way that will doubly benefit the-development of mechanical road transport in this part of Canada. A plant has been erected, where successful experiments have been conducted—one for extracting oil and the other for extracting asphalt. Ph& first' group of tests is stated to have resulted in the production of a rather unsatisfactory substitute for petrol, but the lubricating 'oil obtained
can stand an extra low Cold test and will be an excellent product for use on motor vehicles in this part of the World during the cold winter months. The asphalt obtained represents about 20 per cent. c>f the raw sand treated, and is to be widely used for road construction purposes.
Opening the New Year Weil.
Messrs. HI, Northwood and Sons, spare parts specialists, of Newington Causeway, London, S,E., are to be eongratplater' on the success of their staff dinner and dance, which were held on January . 1st. The evening proved most enjoyable and an exceptionally good musical programme was provided ; the arrangements throughout reflected much credit on the organizing ability of Mr. Harry Northwood. The few speeches which were made were commendably short, . but What was said was sufficient to confirm our impression as to the very happy relationship which exists between Messrs. Northwood and their employees.
Messrs. Lane and . Co., -Meseler Works, Victoria Road, Eltham, inform us that for the convenience of their customers in the eastern counties they have commenced selling from Waddington Aerodrome, which is situated about two miles from Lincoln, and _that -they are offering i number of reconditioned Thornycroft commercial vehicles for sale.
Allen-Liversidge Dividend.
Allen-Liversidge, Ltd., 106, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, announce a final dividend at the rate of 15 per cent, per annum., less income tax, for the six months ended October 31st last, making, with the interim dividend already paid, 124 per cent, for the year.
Seasonable Remembrances.
We acknowledge with appreciation the receipt of seasonable greetings in various forms from the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd. (diary, diary pad and matches); Railless, Ltd. (calendar); Lancashire United Tramways, Ltd. (calendar); John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd. (calendar and notebook); Hollings and Guest, Ltd. (calendar); F. . Poppe (pocket-book and diary). We might mention that Mr. Poppe states he will be pleased to forward one of these books to any reader, On application to him at 100, Rollo Lane, Chiswick, London, W.4. Desk cigarette lighters have been received from Messrs. Frank How and Co., and calendars from Hastam and Stretton, the Westinghouse Brake and Saxby Signal Co., Ltd., and Walker Vehicles, Ltd.
Brush Bus Bodies.
The Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., of Falcon Works, Loughborough, have just issued a folder which serves to indicate the various types of bus body produced by the company. During the past year the company have built some hundreds of bodies of this description.
Fares in London.
The action of the London County Council in introducing -cheap return tickets on the tramc.are has resulted in the London General Omnibus Co. adopting a similar policy. The company have made no alteration in single fares, but they are offering return tickets on certain sections of the various routes where the buses compete with the tramcars. For single fares of 5d. and 6d. the return fare which is now asked is 8d.; for a single fare of 4d. the return fare is now 6d.; and for a single fare of 3d. the return ticket costs 5d. About half the total number of vehicles in the L.G.O. fleet is affected by the new scale and 75 routes are involved. The travelling public will thus considerably benefit by taking return tickets.