egular way to in transport
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S ALWAYS a great pleasure read the Leaders in CM and Is especially so with those of A/ember 27 and December 4 d 18. But first of all I want to ngratulate CMso far as the )SS weight of lorries is ncerned, for giving the main pport for this solution of the vernment.
-lowever, it is true and must underlined that the transport lustry needs more application training, especially as far as magement is concerned. Our uliers are representatives of a ry new branch of industry. In mparison with craftsmen, our 3nch is just in baby shoes. iainst their 500 years of ;tory, training and education stem we have only experience about 20 or 30 years.
Transport management has anged so much since 100 years o that a really new policy and eally new method of training veto be used. We in Germany to develop different courses r the different classes of anagers, clerks and drivers. it this all is the first trial, the St step, and we try to improve. I really don't agree with the litor as far as deregulation or gulation of transport is incerned. I fight for regulation 'cause I'm convinced that this the only way to avoid ruinous ■ mpetition. And if you accept y position then I can say that did a good job this year as far our legislation in Germany is Incerned. This is because of tr 15 years of PR-work
rummi, etc). I agree with you at the transport people have to ) a good job to convince the overnment and all the other 3ople in a State to make a good Aicy and to have a good Anion.
The third editorial was an ;pecial highlight for mete read, ld indeed to all the hauliers id the other employers who have to work hard to get all of us out of the crisis we live with in all countries. There is no place now for fighting for higher wages and better social conditions except those which don't increase the transport costs too much.
What we need is a new kind of thinking about social and economic life. Just now in Germany the people change their mind as far as their claims is concerned; as my father has already said: the people who don't work, don't have something to eat.
WILHELM DRESKORNFELD Reprasentant Den Bundesverbiinde Des Deutschen Giiterkraftverkehrs in Bonn West Germany
My old man's an ad-man
WE NOTE with interest the article about advertising on dustcarts (CM, December 25) and we would like to advise you that the age of advertising on refuse vehicles in the United Kingdom has in fact already dawned.
The programme has been developed with the help of Kettering Council over the last twelve months, the first advertisement being Goodyear Tyres UK fixed to a vehicle in August 1982.
At present, Kettering and Northampton vehicles are carrying advertisements, with the City of Birmingham, Dudley, Charmwood and Hemel Hempstead councils starting in January 1983.
BARRY A. QUINTON Managing Director Venture 3 Hollyhedge Road West Bromwich
Foreiin fleets are suicidal
MAY I MAKE a few comments on the article by Brian Jarvis on Erith Haulage in CM, November 27, 1982. The managing director of Erith Haulage, Mr Tom Darcy, is obviously a good business man and a credit to the haulage profession in this country but I take exception to certain remarks made by him about Leyland Trucks.
As users of 15 Leyland Trucks from the Clydesdale up to the Marathon, we need Leyland's spare parts division quite often. Apart from a few occasions when some obscure part was not on the shelf, they have not let us down. On the contrary, they and their local distributors have gone to great lengths to obtain urgent parts and dispatch them to us with all speed.
I note Mr Darcy's great enthusiasm for DAF Trucks and agree with him that they are a good vehicle, but I am sure he would agree that the home. based manufacturers have now caught up with the Continentals and in most cases now provide a very good product range.
The haulage contractors in -this country who buy big fleets of foreign vehicles, spare parts and tyres, are indirectly cutting their commercial throats as has been shown by layoffs at the plants belonging to UK manufacturers of all capital equipment and accessories.
While making my point against vehicles produced by our EEC partners, I must really take to task the people and firms who buy trucks and cars from Japan. This is a trading nation that has few scruples about destroying UK industries and must feel great oriental glee at the way we buy what we think are better products than our own UK products.
The colossal trade imbalance between our two countries in favour of Japan and her commercial contempt for us by throwing up large tariff and other fences in the faces of UK manufacturers who try to sell there will, I hope, make a few peoplue stop and think before they purchase goods not made in the UK or by our EEC partners. S. WILLIAMS Managing director Clwyd Waste Disposal
Provisional hgv-ers don't have it easy
I HAVE BEEN in the Army for 10 years and before that spent two years working in industry. I have always been interested in commercial vehicles, so when I came out of the Army I decided to take a tuition course for my HGV class one. I saved £450 and paid it in advance to a tuition school.
Three weeks before my course was to begin the school went into voluntary liquidation. I have not yet got my money back though the receivers say that I will be repaid shortly.
I can't find work in my area, hard though I have searched at haulage contractors and furniture removers.
I am prepared to travel anywhere in England to gain experience as a class one or three driver. I am willing to work for nothing so as to gain experience for my test. Can anyone help?
35 Newton Street
Darwen Lancashire