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Avon Holds On
THE CHAIRMAN of Avon Rubber, Lord Farnham, highlighted the difficult conditions in the tyre industry which have affected groups results for the year ended October 2 last. In......
Bypasses For Ipswich
THE ORWELL BRIDGE and Ipswich southern bypass were opened before Christmas by Transport Secretary David Howell, who announced that a decision on the western bypass would be made......
Xmas Cheer For S.a.
SEDDON ATKINSON enjoyed a p the poor market conditions. Ord cember were significantly up o months. re-Christmas order boost deep ers taken in November and n the levels of the......
Scots Merge(
THERE HAS been a merger tween McKelvie Transport, PI ley & Stratchclyde Transpl Frood Street, Motherwell, wh has resulted in the Frood Str depots being closed. It is I derstood......