FTA backs Customs scheme
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THE FREIGHT Transpor Association has come out is support of moves by the Cus toms and Excise to return t( the old system of documenta tion of notifying of export be fore the goods go rather that within 14 days of export.
But FTA says that it wouk mean that freight agent! would stand to lose custom! registration numbers if mis takes were made by exporters It will also mean the supply o an extra document to the cus toms.
And this could mean at leas an extra half million docu ments to be dealt with for thf port of Dover alone, says FTA Major exporters would 134 put in a bad position becauso they would not know exactl, what goods would travel witl each consignment and thi goods and documents woulc very often come from differen sources.
The FTA says that it is lea than satisfied with the propo sals and it has urged all ex porters to get hold of thi document from Customs am Excise, entitled The Expor Strategy and to let the FT' have their views on it as sooi as possible.
FTA has warned that unde the scheme pre-entry of detail could become very difficult.