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The result of yesterday's European elections in Britain will not be known until next Tuesday or Wednesday after the other...
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IMPORT Under Secretary Kenneth Clarke has called for an to restrictions on international transport, including permit tas and...
(LAND Vehicles have chosen the occasion of the UITP igress at Helsinki to launch the production version of the land National...
.111PSHIRE County Council is now supporting public transtin its area with its own poster campaign. Fhe Council has decided to...
THE FREIGHT Transpor Association has come out is support of moves by the Cus toms and Excise to return t( the old system of...
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CHRYSLER is to re-think maintenance schedules for its RG19 100-Series Commando models built for National Carriers following a...
A SEMINAR on improving vehicle productivity through better design and selection of vehicles was to be held in London by the...
A CALL for more discus on tachographs in a bit remove the threat of ui action has been made by I seyside Chamber of C merce and...
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it LT bus policies JS manufacturers, London Transport id London's buses came under fire this eek from Transport and General...
tAFFIC congestion caused illegally parked tourist aches came under fire this !ek from GLC councillor any Riley of Wood Green to...
BUS and rail operators have warned the Government that cuts in subsidies proposed in Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir Geoffrey...
WHEN it comes to dealing with th Government, nationalised industr chairmen are never particularly compl( mentary — and the...
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'ITE the widespread publicity being given to the petrol age, it is the difficulty in obtaining diesel that is most xliers,...
MEW Mercedes-Benz arship was opened in ;aster last week when G. bittaker became the first dealership to have both '.tommercial...
EMPORARY weight limit put on a bridge over the r Wye last week. le bridge is at Chepstow carries the A48 trunk road ss the...
MAN-VW Truck and Bus Ltd has extended its range of light commercial vehicles with the addition of the new 3.5-tonnegvw LT35...
A NEW extended range of steel box-van semi-trailers has been announced this week by Craven Tasker (Sheffield). Designed for...
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AN OPERATOR who claimed he had been "conned" out of his vehicle and licence when entering a proposed partnership with another...
WORK on the 2.6-mile Sti port east/west by-pass, ming part of the M63, i start in June. The by-pass will run f Cheadle Heath...
THE BRITISH Institute of Management has produced two checklists to help managers sell their company's services as I of its...
TRANSPORT Minister Norman Fowler is to visit Hambun Monday to see the British National Day at the internati transport...
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Let the seller beware is the title of a conference organised by Senior Executive Briefings, a recently formed division of the...
WE HAVE been asked to poin out that in our report of th IRTE conference (CM, Ma 25) a reference to all trailer being required...
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A COMPLAINT by the United Road Transport Union that the Sutton and Son subsidiary Thomas Fleet and Son Ltd had failed to give...
RESULTS from the Comm cial Motor Lorry Driver of t Year area heats are continui: to come in. Kent Class A: E. Torrington, Pc...
MERSEYSIDE Chamber I Commerce & Industry is ca rying out a survey on ti number of light commerci vehicles (including car...
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NATIONAL Bus Company subsidiary Midland Red has started talking to the 12 county councils and 56 dis. trict councils in its...
ESSEX independent bus an coach operators took the ma jor awards for the in-servici vehicle section at the annua Eastern...
BLIC TRANSPORT is one of the subjects scheduled for cussion at the seventh summer meeting at the PTRC (Plang and Transport...
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A MAN WHO had "one of the worst driving records it is possible to imagine" managed to get a job as a bus driver in Reading. He...
FOLLOWING repeated cc plaints from London Ira port about bus serv reliability and mileage lost to traffic congestion, Greater...
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TON tandem bogie unit from Norde takes the development lid rubber suspension one step further. ,e of rubber in the condon of...
TECHNICAL Editor es to point out that due to xmstances beyond his rol, the gear-speed diais in last week's road tests e 6 x 4...
COLINDALE-BECKER has updated its dual-purpose commercial and car roller brake-testers for up to 13 tons axle load. Known as...
THE YAK YEOMAN is the first UK commercial vehicle to be produced with body panels formed in the new superplastic alloy...
FASTER lift-on and off is one feature of the Mk II range of Edbro Rolatip demountable tippers which will be demonstrated at the...
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a very imperfect world THE RECOMMENDATIONS of the Foster Committee on operators' licensing are a "counsel of perfection in a...
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London is the wold's caPital of finance and insurance But where are its vehicle builders? Bill Brock reports STAIR DENNIS LTD...
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I REALLY cannot let the wild and inaccurate statements made by Mr Henebery (Dear Sir, CM, May '18) pass without comment. Mr...
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tons gross, fitted 5LW Gardner engine, 557/480 D/B Box 18802 Eaton 2 speed rear axle. First registered 1967. 4 ERF 54G 4...
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You can't walk - rough the 50-Series Dodge-but then you can fit any Moe of bodywork to suit. Report on the new vehicle launch...
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Containerbase (Barking) ICD, Box Lane, Barking, Essex (tel. 01-5951121/9) Central London ICD, Kingsfort, 8 Lorenzo Street,...
In the South East there are also Didcot Distribution Centre, 182 Milton Trading Estate, Abingdon (tel. 0235813955) Inland...
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Brambles' prickly job A Japanese propylene C-3 splitter 218ft long, 15ft 2in in diameter at its widest and weighing 264 tonnes...
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VOW THAT the introduction of he tachograph is a fait accompli here are many questions to be inswered before operators will le...
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London and the South East can be a nigh - mare area for coach operators who don't know their way round-but the financial...
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London presents particular problems for transport trade associatiol and demands resourcefulness from eir members. But -- ere...
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The road user always pays Any profit from simplifying the system will go to the Government 9 "RANSPORT in Britain provides...
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IN THE LAST article the various terms used in connection with threads were discussed and now we look at the different types of...
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He has over 30 years' experience of European railways and shipping and before joining Freightliners was freight marketing...