COMMERCIAL MOTOR Lincoln's Depression.
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Schemes which have been carried out by the Lincoln Corporation in partial alleviation of local unemployment have already occasioned an outlay of £226,000, mid those yet to be put in hand are estimated to entail a further expenditure of £43,000. Mr. G. R. Sharpley, managing director of Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., proposed a resolution, at a meeting which was receatly held, expressing alarm at the seriousness of the situation, and calling" upon the Government to revise the disastrous policy of unemploymenttpay and poor-law relief, and to organize national schemes of work, including the provision of credit for manufacturers.
At the same time, he was,able to make the encouraging announcement that his Arrn was now employing 1,000 more hands than in September last, The resolution,ewas adopted, as was another preasing the Government to finance public utility works, it being mentioned that the Lincoln Guardians had already expended £18,000 in' unemployment relief, which they thought should be repaid from national sources.
Local Authorities and Traffic Regula
Road transport operations have long "constituted an important branch of activities in cot:mention with the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce, and considerable satisfaction was expressed by Mr. A. R. Atkey, at the last meeting of that body, thati;the municipal authorities had recently scored a very great victory over beaureaucratic opposition by obtaining powers, under a new Parliamentary Bill, to deal unreservedly with street traffic problems in the city, Without :being subject to interference from the Ministry of Transport. ..
To solve the difficulty occasioned by congestion in the central parts, in which the width of the streets is entirely disproportionate to modern needs, the Corporation., among other provisions, is being granted authority, despite certain opposition raised by representatives of the Ministry, to direct that, where necessary, vehicles may be required to proceed in one direction only.
Bus Drivers and Accidents.
in their annual reports to the Grown. and local authorities, many of the chief constables of Scotland pay a spe,c-ial tribute to the care and vigilance exercised by the drivers of motorbuses in earry-ing out their duties. In very few cases have they been responsible for any accident during the past twelve months, and the number of drivers who have had their lioenees cancelled has been ex.tressiely small.
In the County of Stirling, for example, only two men were proe,ecuted for .being implicated in Tea& mishaps that
could aikributed to any fault on their part. The one drove at night into a stationary vehicle that was standing without lights on -rather a dark road, no damage at aU resulting; and the ether was in charge of a. bus which knocked down a girl who had stupidly stepped in front of it. They were both discharged without even an admonition, and no action was taken with respect to their csertificates.: .
The ISiet is that motorbuses a,re excellent investments in Scotland, as elsewhere, and it pays ..the companies running them to employ drivers and conductors of the highest character and experience. This they seldom fail to do.
Ford Radiator Prices Down.
The Spiral Tube and Components Co., 47, Caledonian. Road, King's Cross, London; N.1, who have built up a big reputation for radiators of all types, advise us that their polished aluminium radiators for Fords have been reduced in price. There are three types available for users of those vehicles :—Type A, intended for 1913-1916 Fords, being, piked at 212; type 13, for 1917-1g23 vebicles, priced at £10 17s. 6d. ; and type E, for 1917-1923 vehicles (in which no alteration is required to the starting handle), being priced at £9 9s.
In passing an to the user every possible economy whirls the company can effect in manufacturing costs, they hope lo extend sales. 'We should,Perhaps' say that the radiators are built up of detachable tanks and sides of polished cast aluminium, cast•brass tube plates, and heavy-gauge solid drawn tulNes. The company's radiators for Fords all bear a 12 months' guarantee,
A Bus Company's Offer. The local authorities of Morecambe, tanca.ster, and Heysham are considering an offer of a company to take over, organize and control the whole of the onmibus traffic.
Speeding-up Traffic.
To expedite the tramway service and facilitate the general traffic the Glasgow Gorporation`Tramivays•Conitnittee is considering the advisability of reducing' the number of stopping-pIaces • Leyland Buses for Salford: Salford Corporation 'Tramways Committee recommends the purchase of •tili•O Leyland single-deck meter oinnibuses 21,470 each arid two Leyland double:deck motorbuses at 21,44(1 each.„
-Services on Market Days.
Haslingden Town Council has given permission to a private firm to run two Ford buses, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, which are market days, on a service between Haslingden Road End 1wh.ere there is a junction with the tramways) and Ewood Bridge, an outlying part of the borough.
Losses on the Road.
The Commercial Motor Users Association has made arrangessients with the police authorities to notify Mr. Walter Atkinson, F.C.A., the north-western divisional secretary, of all goods found on the roads in Lancashire. Commer.. tie' motor users should notify their losses immediately to the islivisional office, 25a, Winckley Square, Preston.
A Mobile Trader's Van.
At a meeting of the Wakefield City Council the medical officer of health reported that he had inspected a travelling motorvan -with which Mr. A. Firth wished to -establish the trade of a fish Icier, and that the vehicle appeared to him to be satisfactory.
The council gave consent to the establishment of the business in the travelling motorvan so far as Section 112 of the Public Health Act, 1575, is applicable to the ease, and subject to the by-laws in force with regard to offensive trades.
• Hyatt Bearings.
A new catalogne has just been issued by Hyatt, Ltd., 56, Victoria Street, Londoii, SW; 1, which deals with:the conit:metiers and application of Hyatt .and N.D. beaiings for rrioter vehicle's. The catalogue hat been produced in loose-leaf form, as the Company -intend to nblish periodically_ akiditional isheeste offering representative suggestions for the inclusirm of anti-friction bearings in variant?. :components. This service has been initiated with a view to assisting manufactures-c, as the company have always had in mind something more than the sale of bearings • —assistanee in design. The catalogue gives details of the varietis -types and metric and inch sizes of the types and bearings sold by the company
In our issue of April 24th, on page 299, we referred to " a new Northern'bus service" 'which has been established. We should state that this service running between Felton and Gateshead has not been opened by the National Omnibus and Transport Co.,' Ltd.
The Doom of the Tramcar.
.. At the annual meeting of the Roads Improvement Association held a few days ago Lord Montagu of Beaulieu addressed the members on "Road Problems of To-day." He said that the roads of to-day were insufficient to carry the extra traffic upon them, and that, although there were now many excellent trunk roads under construction which would lead out of London, as well as circular roads and by-pass roads, these schemes did not suggest a solution of the problem of how to travel at a reasonable speed from points parallel to the Thames, or even across the Thames, in the central parts of London. We are only at the beginning of the great road era, said Lord Montagu. There are few tramways which are now paying their way, and there are very few cities where the town councils are willing to lay down more tram services; but, on the other hand, there are innumerable local authorities who are running public services by motor vehicles, arid, of 'course, there are still a.greater number of companies, big and small, who are operating public services all over the country. All this means increased wear and tear on the roads, and increased need for roads.
We are now 'at the period in road construction, said the speaker, in which the traffic has leaped ahead of the roads, and we now want road construction to come op level to the needs of the traffic.
New Henley Branch.
Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co.' Ltd., 20-22, Christopher Street, London, E.C. 2, inform us that their Bristol branch has been removed to new premises at II, Nelson Street. The continued expansion of business in Henley tyres, both pneumatic and solid, has necessitated the acquisition of more extensive premises, which will enable larger stocks to be held and orders to be executed' without delay. Mr. F. C. May, who has-for some time been representing the company in the Rome Counties, has been appointed West of England district manager at the Bristol branch, whilst the vacancy. in the Home Counties created by his appointment is being filled by Mr. E. J.
Granting Licences Once Refused.
It is understood that the Ministry of TranspOrt, in consequence of the public inquiry held some months ago into the refusal of the Merthyr Corporation to grant licences to Mr. E. Snow for bus services, has now recommended that the licences sought by Mr. Snow be granted.
The Merthyr Watch Committee has forwarded a recommendation to the Town Council on the same lines, and this, no doubt, will shortly result in the re-institution of Mr. Snow's services.
No Lower Cab Fares in London.
The Under-Secretary of the Home Office, who was recently asked if, in view of the reduced price of petrol and tyres, taxicab fares could not be reduced, said that this question has 'been considered from time to time, and, .having regard, to all the circumstances, no recommendation could be made for a redaction of fares. It was stated that if the suggestion were earried out a good many owners of cabs would be thrown out of employment.
Ilford's Passenger Transport.
Ilford Urban District Council, which has had reports as to rail-less vehicles, has now asked the tramways manager to submit statistics as to the cost of the running of petrol omnibuses.
Overcrowded Buses.
At a meeting 'of the Wakefield Corporation a letter was received from the Yorkshire (West Riding) Tramways Co., Ltd., with reference to the complaint as to overcrowding on the omnibuses in the city, explaining that additional vehicles were on order, and that so soon aa these were available there would be no'causeafor complaint.
Penny Bus Fares Again.
The tramways committee of the Manc.hestelaCity Council has decided to reintroduce ,penny fares on the motorbuses. At present the minimum fare
charged is 2d. for distance of approximately One and a half miles, but the committee now proposes that, as from May 7th, passengers shall be permitted to. travel a shorter stage of about three-quarters cf a mile for
The motorbus services maintained by the council run from the Palatine Road terminus to West Point, Northenden, Cheadle and Sale, and between Cliorlton Station and Longford Park.
Cup Final Traffic.
All estimates of the traffic to the Football Cup Final were considerably exceeded, and, in spite of other mishaps, the bus, tram and train /services fillfilled their part without any material de-' lay occurring. The passengers carried by the special ,service of motorbuses which were run numbered 30,000, and to this number roust be added some 14,000 additional passengers who journeyed to the Wembley Stadham in 325 privately hired vehicles. By all three traffic agencies-6,000,000•paasengers were carried on the day of the Cup Final, which exceeds last year's figures by 800,000.
Summer Services in Eastern Counties.
The-surerner time-table of the Eastern
Counties Road Car td., was brought into operation a Co.,few days ago, and dining the coming months a inore frequent service will be maintained on all roads. The company intend to introduce a new feature by the issue of return tickets at cheap rates between-the more important' points on eaoh service. They will 90(.111 have amme•large doubledeckers in service; the bodies for which have been 'constructed in. Ipswich. Two vehicles of this type will be operated on a aerviee• between Ipawic-h and' Colchester.
• The company have also, as in previous years, arranged to ran a number of daily char-h-banes tours to Clacton and other places of interest within reasonable distance.
Local Proceedings.
Lymington Urban District Council has under consideration the purchase of a motor fire-engine.
Kendal Corporation is still considering the question of mechanical road transport for refuse collection.
The Ossett Town Council has received sanction to borrow £875 for the purchase of a motor ambulance.
Manchester Corporation Paving Committee recommends the purchase of two tractors and one motor lorry.
Lancaster Corporation has asked the tramways committee to consider the provision of additional motorbuses.
Burnley Fire Brigade Committee pro • poses to make provision in the estimates tor a first-aid motor ambulance.
Brighton Corporation Waterworks Committee recommends the purchase of a motor lorry at a cost of about £450.
Glasgow Corporation has aethoeized the medical officer of health to purchase a motorvan for the hospitals department.
Bridtington Corporation Highways Committee recommends the purchase of a steam wagon at an estimated oast of £900.
Salford Watch Committee recommends the purchase of a Morris petrol motor turntable fire escape at a cost of £2,800.
Rochdale Coporation Cleansing Committee has authorized the purchase of one Leyland and one.Thoielyeroft motor wagon.
Time Elton District Committee of the Aberdeen County Council has placed an order for a Tasker chain-driven tractor and side-tipping trailers.
Bournemouth Corporation Parks Committee 'recommends the purchase of a Ford ton lorry from Messrs. Waller's, of Rugby, at a cost of £209.
Durham Co:linty Council has appointed a sub-committee to inquire into, and report upon, the general utility and the control of the county council garage and repair depot and all matters connected with haulage.
Wimbledon Watch Committee recent . . mends acceptance of the tender of Dennis
Bros., Ltd., for the overhauling of a motor fire-engine, and th,e provision of new parts .where necessary,. at a cost not exceeding £200.
Illord Council's Electricity Committee proposes to purchase a one ton motor delivery van.
East Barnet Valley Urban District Council is considering the purchase of a motor lorry.
Burnley Fire Brigade Committee proposes to make provision in the estimates for a fire-engine.
Blackpool Corporation has empowered the parks superintendent to purchase a motor lawn mower.,
Hull Watch Committee has granted Messrs. J. S. Walker and A. Crowther licences for taxi sidecars.
Ilkeston Watch Committee has allocated the Market Place as -a parking place for motor vehicles.
Brighton Corporation Works Committee recommends the purchase of three 30-cwt. motor vehicles for refuse collecting.
Rochdale Watch Committee offers no objection to a proposed bus service by Messrs. Holt Bros. between Bamford and Hey wood.
The District Committee of the Ayr County Council has placed a repeat order with Tasker and. Sons, Ltd., for a Little Giant chain-driven tractor. .
Ilkeston Watch Committed raises no objection to a proposal by Mr. F: Meaehem to erect a-petrol pump with a swing arrn at his motor garage in South Street. so long as the same dces not. obstruct the highway.
Burnley Watch Committee recommends the purchase of a Merryweather trailer motor pump at a cost of £825,• and a laferryweather -first " turn-out 0 petrol engine at a cost of £1,250.
At a meeting of the Burnley Corporation Cleansing Committee two tenders for the supply of a 1-ton Ford tipping wagon were submitted, and it was decided to recommend the council to accept the tender of John Knape and Son, Ltd., • to supply the tipping wagon complete with spare rim carrier and N.A.P. tyres on laaelt wheels, for £209.
Leeds Corporation Finance Committee expresses approval of a proposal for the establishment of a fund in respect of corporation motorcar and mechanical haulage vehicle third-party risks,., the adnaimstration Of the fund to be under the control of the finance committee and the settlement of claims to be dealt with by the tramways department.
Licensing Uniformity.
A conference of local authorities, held at Morecambe, has expressed the opinion that there should be common action taken by the local authorities in dealing with applications for hackney carriages intended to run in Morecambe, Lancaster and Heyshtun, and that a uniform scale of fares should be adopted and made applicable over the whole area of the three authorities.
The conference also decidedthat it was in the public interest that a joint regular public service of motorbuses .should be established to serve all three districts.
Certificates of Fitness.
Oxford Watch Committee has considered the question of requiring each applicant for a hackney carriage. licence for a, motor vehicle to send, with his application, a certificate as to the mechanical condition of such vehicle by a firm approved by the committee. The question is' still receiving consideration, and, meanwhile, the procedure will be as in the past--viz., that a certificate as to the fitness of the engine from a cornpetent• engineer he supplied.
, A Wise Rejection. .
Wallasey Tramways CoMmittee has rejected a proposal that Open tramcars should be run for pleasure 'tours. •
Following a Demonstration.
A committee of the Oxford City Council recommends the purchase of a Dennis motor iwiller at a cost of £1,185. The committee saw a demonstration in the streets of Guildford, and was satisfied with the effective working of the machine.
Hull Bus Licences
Hull Watch Committee ha a given licences AO the tramways committee to run three Bristol double-deck buses, two A.E.C. double-deck buses, and one single-deck bus to Stoneferry and Garden Village.
The committee has refused to grant Mr. J. Symons a licence to ply for hire with a motorbus.
The Anlaby Motor Bus Co. sought permission to run a service from Paragon Square to Aldbrough, but the committee sanctioned a service to the Holderness. Road train terminus only.