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• The EEC should be prepared to put money into

8th November 1986
Page 84
Page 84, 8th November 1986 — • The EEC should be prepared to put money into
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transport infrastructure projects in non-member states if doing so would improve transit within the Community.

This was one of the suggestions made in a report presented to the October session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Of particular concern to Euro-MP's were the alpine routes through Austria and Switzerland and transit routes through Yugoslavia, linking Greece with other Community countries.

Visser's proposals failed to win a majority as MPs could not agree on a common top speed for cars on motorways. EEC Transport Minister Stanley Clinton Davis told them he hopes to put his proposals to EEC Transport Ministers in December.

An agreement is considered essential in Brussels because top speeds for HGVs vary from country to country by as much as 48krnih (30mph).