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In The Inevitable Implementation Of Cabotage Draws Nearer...
of the Road Haulage Association's International Group showed, at a recent meeting, that they are still bitterly divided on the issue. Ian Holmes from the Department of......
• The Eec Should Be Prepared To Put Money Into
transport infrastructure projects in non-member states if doing so would improve transit within the Community. This was one of the suggestions made in a report presented to the......
• On November 10 And 11 The Eec Council Of
Ministers is expected to meet to discuss a proposal to raised the duty-free allowance for fuel in HGV fuel tanks to 600 litres. The duty-free allowance for buses and coaches was......
Proposals For Common Eec Speed Limits For Lorries (cm, July
26) coaches and all other vehicles will be tabled by the Brussels Commission within the next six weeks — but a decision won't be easy. Some idea of the problems came to light......