Co-ordination is Essential C O-ORD1NATION of public transport was essential. Mr.
8th October 1965, Page 43
8th October 1965
Page 43

Page 43, 8th October 1965
— Co-ordination is Essential C
O-ORD1NATION of public transport was essential. Mr.
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Stephen Swingler. joint parliamentary secretary to the Ministry of Transport. told a British Railways discussion group at Stoke on Monday.
Transport was a service which formed an essential part of the social and economic activities of the country, said Mr. Swingler. The Government believed that a co-ordinated national transport system must be developed to meet future demands with a minimum call on resources and so planned that it was consistent with the objectives of national and regional economic planning. Important steps towards this had alreadv been taken, and were borne in mind in the preparation of the National Economic Plan for the aext five years to 1970.