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:osts Study
text meeting of the national corn:e of the RHA tipping vehicles al group on October 21 will be almost entirely to a study of g costs and the individual items comprised in them.......
Railways Are In Tp0111
Parcels Traffic DRESS reports alleging delays of up I to three weeks in deliveries of parcels from King's Cross Station, London, were much exaggerated, said a BR spokesman when......
Sir Donald Forecasts Bigger Engines
" BELIEVE 8 h.p. per ion is a much I more realistic figure" was the comment of Sir Donald Stokes, chairman and managing director. Ley land Motor Corporation, on proposed levels......
Co-ordination Is Essential C O-ord1nation Of Public...
Stephen Swingler. joint parliamentary secretary to the Ministry of Transport. told a British Railways discussion group at Stoke on Monday. Transport was a service which formed......
Lorry Parking Inside London Docks
'THE PLA announced on Wednesday that A. lorries waiting to load and unload may park inside some docks outside normal hours. Sites will be t the following docks: London and St.......
York In New York A Xles. Fifth-wheel Couplings And...
equipment will be displayed by the York Trailer Co. lid. at the Truck, Body and Equipment Exhibition which opens in New York next Monday. York is said to be the only British......
Tayforth Holdings T He Newly Formed Subsidiary Of The...
Company, Tayforth Holdings 09651 lid., which made an offer to acquire ordinary shares of Tayforth Ltd.. announces that this has become unconditional, having been accented by......