Champ picks a winner
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:Vs Lorry Driver f the Year, George illot, visited the :ornmercial Motor ;how on Saturday. fere he states his iews.
HINGS aren't what they sed to be, especially for )rry drivers and particularly or the CM Lorry Driver of he Year, George Allott. The :hampion, who drives for IOC Gases Division, won his itle on September 12. Since hen he's had a short holiday o prepare himself for a eries of taxing engagements luring the next twelve nonths.
The first date with his public /as last Saturday at Earls Court vhert George cast his eye over he heavy vehicles on show vith particular interest in the :atm. This is the area where for oo long, too many manuacturers have paid too little Mention, according to George. 'They seemed to forget that iomeone had to sit in there and vork," he said.
George gives credit for ecent cab development to the ;ontinental manufacturers — a act acknowledged by most. But inlike his counterparts of five or ;ix years ago George could not )e totally critical of the home )roduct — indeed in most cases is comments were praisevorthy
George Allott drives a Foden 383 at Rotherham. He took one ook at the Show model and ;aid: -It's cramped, there's not mough room in it and ifs And that was without )oing inside and switching the )ngine on! Perhaps he was .eferring to his Rotherham )ased vehicle. Certainly this )ppeared to be a snap judg-nent based on his experience iather than his Show visit,
George took a longer, more itudied and interested look at he Leyland Bison. He hopes to pe driving one soon for BOC. He was impressed with what he
The instrument panel layout down through the steering wheel caught his eye and his cab impressions must please the Leyland men. "It's very nice and very comfortable. There's enough room for big men and no need to be cramped.
George's criteria appeared t,Q be space, room to move and ease of control. He found this and more, he said, in Ford's Transcontinental. -This is the nearest we get to the continental cab," was his verdict. How did it rate with the cab of yesteryear? "Once upon a time a lorry driver was happy if he could see over the tops of cars — with this you can see over other lorries."
But not all of George's plus points went to beef and brawn. The Bedford TM took his eye.. He admired its simplicity and, as he described it, "its beauty". "This is very good, it is as simple as the TK, there is as much room as there would be in a sleeper."
On the ERF stand, George supported his theory that the driver's view was cogent. "I think anyone could drive one of these," he said from the cab of the new 40C2.
As he tried the switches, handbrake and gear change, George was obviously pleased. "Everything is set for the driver so he just can't go wrong. The controls are just where you want them."
Seddon Atkinson can't be too unhappy at George's reac tion to their range. He was hic in his praise for the cab desic particularly the access. Of 0vehicle in general he said "It's good truck, it's roomy, it comfortable. Yes, it's vei nice,"
When he met Frar Tinsdale the UK managin director of Magirus Deutz h commented on the 310C1 "This one is just like driving car, everything is to hand. Yc don't have to reach far to get ; everything. Beautiful that.
Mercedes-Benz will also t interested to hear his cornmen on the 1626 tractive unit wh.€ he pays a visit there ne: month. "I'll bet you can't he that engine," he said, "it right out of the way and be the cab's undersealed too. Again he was high in his prais of the Merc's spaciousness an cab layout. "There's plenty c room for the man in charge."
Fiat impressed George wit their 179NT by the time he ha reached here he had not see the Bison, the Bedford or th Ford and without the benefit c hindsight he said, "We're mile behind, look here they'y thought of the driver."
It seemed that Georg came to Earls Court with som preconceived ideas about Br tam n not being best and left in .different frame of mind. H certainly gave credit points ti all of the home products hi saw. We're sorry we could no follow him on to all the stands they were simply too busy!
Had he to choose a show winner, what would it be? -Thi Ford Transcontinental, it's no in the same class as the rest, it' got everything."