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A CALL for London Transport to use conductors stationed at busy bus stops has been made by the London Transport Passengers Committee. The conductors would collect fares and......
Consult Lt
A NEW COMPANY known as London Transport International has been founded by London Transport to take over its consultancy services. It will be a wholly owned subsidiary of LT......
Ask The Workers
LONDON TRANSPORT workers are to be encouraged to give their views on worker participation in the management of the company. This follows a series of meetings between the unions......
Joining Tests
A FODEN-Northern Counties double-decker has been ordered by the National Bus Company. It will join the tests being carried out at Hastings where NBC is at present assessing the......
815 Put Baci Production Of The Leyland 815 Integral...
bus ha now been put back to mid 1978 at the earliest. It is the latest in long line of postponements for the bus originally scheduled to b in production by now. By Martin......