NEWS of the WEEK
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1--IWING to the special defence duties kdfalling upon his department, the Minister of Transport cannot at present deal with appeals under Section 81 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930. Appellants who are willing that their appeals should stand over indefinitely are asked to sign and return the form which has been supplied to them by the Ministry.
The Minister has authorized Regional Transport Commissioners (Chairmen of Traffic Commissioners in peace time) to issue war-time permits for new road services or modifications of those existing, if they be satisfied that this course is desirable in the public interest. No special form is required, and procedure will be reduced to a minimum. There will be no fee for modifications, but for new services run for more than a week the fee will be 5s.; for other new services, El.
No Motor Nor C.M. Exhibition.
THE Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has announced that, in view of the state of war, neither the Motor Exhibition in October nor the Commercial Motor Show in November will now be held.
Mr. Stirk's War-time Responsibility.
IT should be noted that Mr. J. H. Stirk, J.P., now Regional Transport Commissioner for the North Midlands, will be responsible not only for the control of transport in his area, but for fuel rationing for commercial vehicles.
B.R.F. Calls a Halt.
THE British Road Federation announces that its activities are being suspended from now on, and for the duration of the war.
Road and Rail Traffic Act Exemptions.
IL/ XEMPTIONS from the licensing provisions of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, have been made in the following cases:—The use for manning of war stations of any vehicles hired by naval, military or air-force authorities for their appropriate purpose, and the use of any vehicles by local authorities in discharge of their civil-defence functions.
Grouping Meets With Great Success.
RESPONSE to the grouping scheme in the Liverpool and Birkenhead districts has been such that, so far, about 150 groups have been forrhed. Certain adjustments have been made in the sub-district of Liverpool (as defined in the " yellow booklet ") as Liverpool sub-district B1 has been divided on a functional basis into four subdistricts.
Sub-district managers so far appointed are as follow:—B1,• mainly foodstuffs, Mr. J. Britt; B2, Birkenhead, Mr. J. Cogan; B3, general haulage-, Mr. H. Allan.t
*24 Nominations for the other two groups are:—B4, laundries, etc., Mr. F. A. Makin; B5, mixed groups, Mr. H. D. Cornea. It is understood that a system of grouping horses may be instituted to ensure an equitable distribution of provender, etc.
No National Conference Now.
IT is learnt from the Commercial 1Motor Users Association that the National Road Transport Conference, which was to take place at Scarborough from September 16-20, has been cancelled.
Recruits From Motor Trade Wanted.
THE National Service Committee of the Retail Motor Industry has been asked to assist in finding recruits for
various units, and men in the motor trade will be particularly suitable applicants. The following are the units and the addresses to which applications should be made:—
6th Anti-Aircraft .R.A.O.C. (a new unit) It 119, Bromley Road, Catford, S.E.6 (over 200 men required).
London Divisional R.A.O.C. at Duke of York's Headquarters, Chelsea (fitters and first-class heavy-lorry drivers needed).
2nd Cavalry Division R.A.O.C. at Duke of York's Headquarters (vehicle drivers and plumbers wanted).
Tractor Contest Now " Off."
THE International All-tractor Ploughing Contest announced by R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., to take place at Dursley, Gloucestershire, on October 5, has been cancelled owing to the outbreak of war.
Road Exhibition Postponed. THE road architecture exhibition I which was to be opened in Glasgow, on September8, under the auspices of the Scottish Building Centre, has been postponed.
WHILST we are doing everythinE W possible to keep our readers full) informed of matters in our field and o: important instructions, etc., issued b) the various authorities which are no exercising. certain measures of con trol over road transport, circumstance: are such that it may sometimes b( impossible to deliver the journal t( readers strictly to time.
Driving-licence Modifications Authorized.
AS• an emergency measure, loca licensing authorities have bee: authorized to issue a special licence entitled a National Service Drivin; Licence, for a period of not exceedin;
a year, on -payment of 5s., to holdei of provisional licences who have nc yet passed the test, and to others wh have not previously held licences of tt kind they now require. They mus however, show that they need this fc the purpose of driving vehicles on wor of national importance, are not di: qualified by physical disability, and a: suitable persons. The regular 34 limits will apply. No more provision; licences will be issued.
Transport Official Appointed to Woo Control.
I'tIIR. HAROLD GOODWIN, seer IVItary of Blythe and Berwick (1928: Ltd., the Bradford haulage cos tracting company, has been a] pointed to represent road tran port in the organization known ( the Wool Control, which the Minisb of Supply has set up for war-time co: trol of the wool and allied trades ar of wool textile production. Mr. Goo, win is working in association with railway representative, in the organiz tion and operation of the transport sh of the Control's activities during ti period of hostilities.
LAI AST week, the Southern Scotland Licensing Authority announced his decision in connection with the application by the Clyde and Campbeltown Shipping Co. for licences to run eight lorries to convey goods overland from Glasgow to Campbeltown. The application followed the announcement by the shipping company that its regular passenger steamer services from Glasgow to the west coast of Arran and Carradale would be discontinued. Objections were made by Messrs. D. Ramsay and Son, Messrs. Kintyre Road Services, and John Huie and Co., all of Cambeltown, and by Messrs. Stag Garage, Lochgilphead.
The shipping company has been granted permission to run three lorries, with a total tonnage of 124 tons, the licences to take effect after the steamer service has been actually withdrawn.
No Road Transport Now in Addis.
FROM last Monday, all private and commercial motor traffic was forDidden in Addis Ababa, the capital of 4byssinia. Private electric-light genera. :ors were to be operated only by special iermission.
Making Speedy Repairs Easy. IPEEDY reconditioning of used commercial and other vehicles, so as to vvoid time-lag resulting in value depreration, is one of the purposes for which Zowland Winn, Ltd., the Leeds motor ra.der, has opened a depot exclusively or the reconditioning and sale of used 'ehicles, or. the opposite side of the oad from its headquarters, the County ;arage, Woodhouse Lane.
The depot has been made by the sconstruction and conversion of what as formerly a large garage used as a ding station and for general purposes. 'One advantage afforded by the fact tat the depot's organization and staff
rag is entirely separate from the rest of the Winn concern, is that the reconditioning of used vehicles is never held up through the diversion of mechanics to repair jobs from outside in order to meet tfy3 convenience of repair clients.
To make room for the new depot, the general garage and filling-station activities which were carried on there have been transferred to a third building owned by the company in the immediate vicinity. In these premises, which have been enlarged very considerably, there is room for about 150 vehicles.
The new-vehicle sales side, of the business benefits by more and exclusive space for the display of Bedford lorries at the County Garage. Those responsible for the planning and carrying out of the scheme are Alderman Rowland Winn, Lord Mayor of Leeds and governing director of the company, and Messrs. W. P. Hitch and J. C. Lovelace, joint managing directors.
War Removals : New Addresses
BY reason of the outbreak of hostilities, a number of leading companies, with interests in the motor trade, have removed to new addresses. The following changes have taken place:—
Ware informed that grouped operaors will be in possession of fuel ration coupons on Friday next, September 15.
Operators who are not in the grouping system would be well advised to make arrangements to group as quickly as possible, otherwise they may experience difficulty in obtaining supplies.
A.R.O. To Carry On.
THE executive committee of a meeting held on Wednesday last, decided that the A.R.O. should be carried on and that operations, as now, should be conducted ' from 120, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1. The president, Major Crawfurd, was present.
A special sub-committee has been appointed to deal with all matters likely to arise in connection with the commandeering of vehicles, compensation, fuel rationing, and so on.
Appointments to Traffic Advisory ommittee.
NAR. J. H. TURNER, O.B.E. and 1V1Maj J. Paterson, M.C., have been appointed by the Minister of Transport to the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee, on which they will represent the providers and users of mechanically propelled and horse-drawn vehicles respectively. Both are, of course, extremely well known in the commercial-vehicle industry.
Special Spenborough Tipping Gear.
WE publish on this page a picture of an E.R.F. six-wheeled tipper, in which the end-tipping body is raised by Spenborough gear. The equipment is so arranged that the body can actually be removed from the chassis in two minutes. There are no bolts or nuts to be removed, only locking pins and cotters for hand operation, which require only a quarter turn to remove. By the quick method of detaching, it can be seen how readily the chassis is available for attaching the special trailer eqnipment.
The tipping equipment, which has been specially constructed, is of the three-lift type, giving a total lift of 11 ft. 3 ins, on the tubes, the angle of elevation being approximately 45 degrees; the capacity is 12 tons.