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S 0 war has come, despite the opportunities afforded Herr Hitler of settling his grievances at the conference table of the...
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Road-marking lin. A RISING out of the crisis, provements Enforced r - kmany jobs are being under By Crisis . . . . taken on...
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That " summer-time " may be extended for a month. That the changing European situation is constantly opening and closing...
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ROAD TRAFFIC ACT APPEALS. 1 -- I WING to the special defence duties kdfalling upon his department, the Minister of Transport...
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L ARGELY as the outcome of labour shortage caused by the demand for workers in armament schemes, coupled with a more...
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T HIS article of the series on sugar beet, is the first I have written since the country has been at war. The harvesting of...
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A UTHORITIES to-day are much more interested, than in the past, in the condition of vehicles in use on the roads, and rightly...
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A NUMBER of new models has I -1 been introduced by Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Adderley Park, Birmingham, 8. In addition. the...
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N 0 one who has viewed the frreparations which we have made, and are making, in the cause of national defence, can fail to have...
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Special Powers, Some Invokable Only by Order, Concerning Vehicles, Fuel Storage, Roads, Licences, etc. A SECRETARY OF STATE...
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M A NY au tomobile engineers are convinced that the time will come when the internal-combustionengined vehicle can be...
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A NYONE who proposes to engage in the haulage of passengers or goods by mtor over highways in the Tidied States for pay finds...
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T HE Secretary to the Ministry of HE makes the following announcement :—The Minister of Transport has made Orders under the...
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iN Kenya lorry drivers are of many kinds ; white men, 'Indians, Goans, Arabs, and natives of numerous tribes, but, so far,...
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A : FOUR-WHEELED trailer which may be used for several purposes is that type which has a body with a fixed roof and front...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT ROAD TRANSPORT'S PART IN EVACUATION RUNICIPAL undertakings, combine Vibus companies and independent...
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B Y dint of painstaking maintenance methods, based strictly on mileage, the Metropolitan Omnibus Co., Ltd., of Perth,...
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A SWASH-PLATE engine, in which the cylinder block revolves as a whole, is shown in patent No 510,111, by P. Daniel, Colombes,...