Q I am told that if I am convicted of the
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offence of using a vehicle with an insecure load I am likely to have my driving licence suspended. I did not think that this was possible, but could you confirm the position ? A Action against an offender's licence as the result of a conviction for having an insecure load was not included in the provisions of the Road Traffic Act 1972 as laid down in Schedule 4 Part 1 of that Act for offences under Section 40(5).
However, a change was brought about with the enactment of the Road Traffic Act 1974. Not only was the maximum fine altered from £200 to £400 by Schedule 5 of the 1974 Act, but disqualification or endorsement of the driving licence became possible under Section 21(4).
Section 21(4) adds to column 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 4 of the 1972 Act which deals with disqualifica tion the words "Discretionary if committed by carrying on a motor vehicle or trailer a load which, by reason of its insecurity or position, is likely to cause danger but subject to the exception above."
The exception refers to where the offender proves that he did not know and had no reasonable cause to suspect that the facts of the case were such that the offence would be committed.
QOne of my small petrol vans tends to carry on running even though the ignition has been switched off. I have been told that the type of petrol I use could be the answer, but using a higher grade doesn't seem to make any difference. A Running on is caused by glowing particles of carbon igniting the mixture in the cylinder bore, and although a fuel with too low an octane rating may be the cause there can be several other reasons for it.
It is advisable to check that the tickover is not too fast or that the throttle is not sticking. If these are in order, check the mixture setting and also the condition of the inlet manifold gasket, as an excessively weak mixture may be the cause.
Overheating is yet another possible cause and a quick pressure test of the cooling system may be worthwhile.
Finally, a compression check to determine the condition of the valves and valve seats will indicate whether the vehicle needs a decoke.