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Is B15 The Best?
continued from page 69 Access to the cab of the 1959 Routemaster was far simpler than the RT and the flat floor inside made it appear • far more spacious. As with the RT and the......
Long Haul
Peter Carr, who was appointed to the sales team of Seddon Atkinson, Australia, recently, decided to have a short break before taking up the appointment. Off he went on a walking......
Toast The Board
Who would of thought 10 years ago that the RTITI3— I know a man who still mixes up the initials—would still be going strong ? Do you remember the opposition and the wisecracks ?......
Talking of toasts, that was an impressive toast list at the Scottish section of the CIT last week. The toast "The City of Glasgow" was proposed by Professor Ken Alexander, who......
Sign Up
ROSPA has produced yet another comprehensive safety pack on the Green Cross Code for children. It's got everything from jigsaw puzzles to the latest traffic signs. What it......