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9th August 1963, Page 10
9th August 1963
Page 10
Page 10, 9th August 1963 — THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR August 9 1963
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it has to carry (which accounts for its toughness and long life). As for maintenance, this has been cut to an absolute minimum. No chassis lubrication at all is required, the only points needing attention being the wheel bearings and, at very long intervals, the landing gear. All parts liable to eventual wear (e.g. the Timken taper roller wheel bearings and the 5th-wheel kingpin) are extremely simple to replace when necessary.

These are some of the features which go to make the Fourtrak what it is one of the most-in-demand semi-trailers in the whole wide Scammell range. Price for price, weight for weight, payload for payload and, most important of all, specification for specification, there isn't another semi-trailer of its kind on the road to touch it.

Two semi-trailers for the price of one.

Not quite but almost F One of the latest additions to the standard range of Scammell semi-trailers is a combined coil carrier and flat platform outfit. For coil carrying, four sections of the flooring are removed (see illustration below) to reveal a well 12' long, 13" deep and with a curvature of 3' 3". It is made from 3/16' steel plate and has ten longitudinal hardwood slats to protect the coils. The payload in this application is 15 tons. For general purpose work the flooring slots back in not much more time than it takes to tell, to give a flat platform body with a payload of around r6 tons. The exact payload depends on the make and specification of the motive unit.

This new two-in-one semi-trailer is designed for 24 tons G.V.W. It has 5th-wheel coupling and the landing legs are fitted with 'Elephants Feet'. The running gear is a Scammell trailing arm non-reactive bogie with air or rubber suspension. All in all, a really tough, highly reliable, well designed semi-trailer.

STOP PRESS. Many Scammell semi-trailers are now available for immediate delivery. Here is a selection of current 'off the peg' outfits: