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N London H.q. Leftley
NTINENTAL FERRY TRAILERS I. Leftley Ltd.) is now installed in its depot on the River Road Industrial Barking. It is situated on a 24site and consists of a two-storey block......
*friars Bridge Traffic Eriment
RTHBOUND traffic for the Victoria F.mbankment crossing Blackfriars e, London, will be separated from traffic under an experiment which on August 12. e nearside northbound lane......
Chrysler-cummins Plant For Darlington In A Joint...
11Wednesday by Chrysler Motors Ltd., and Cummins Engine Co. Inc., it was officially confirmed that a new company —Chrysler-Cummins Ltd.—had been formed to manufacture diesel......
R.h. (75) Issued Today?
A T the time of going to press. it Was understood that R.N. (75), which contains proposals relating to higher nightduty and subsistence rates for Aand B-licensed haulage......