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FULL resumption of work at Sutton & Son Ltd, St Helens, one of the largest privatelyowned haulage firms in Europe, took place last week after an unofficial strike by 170 drivers (CM, November 25).
Following secret talks between company officials and regional officials of the Tr port and General Wor Union, the firm agreed t instate the drivers who dismissed after a onestrike.
Also under the terms of settlement, the comp agreed to finalise firm pro ures before January 1 dealing with the compa dustrial relations, and the -rn would re-open at once. Reinstatement of the sacked en at the company's St elens, Manchester and LonDr) depots meant a climb nvn by the company.
The men instituted a "go ow" about a month ago be. use of grievances over ours, conditions and manLng levels and then went on rike over the dismissal of a tter.
The drivers were then disiissed and general haulage 'ork suspended.
Joint talks were held beveen the company, the Transort and General Workers nion and the Advisory Coniliation and Arbitration Serice.
The final solution was ?ached at private talks be veen the company and ?.gional officials of the Union.