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otigg he reason why operators re shocked by the 281-mile ule (CM, November 25) is hat we thought even at this ate hour, that there were till people with a degree of ntelligence......
The RHA is no idle bystander when it comes to matters of vital importance to its members. So it was with great disappointment we saw the hire and reward sector of the road......
I write to support Bob Wilson (CM, November 11) on his comments regarding the RHA. I have been a member for some years and have just decided not to renew my membership. I feel a......
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I"... is by exploiting their drivers, usually by encouraging them to drive excessive hours. I have always believed in free enterprise, but some RHA members appear to have taken......
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Derogatory letters have been published in CM concerning bus drivers. Take this quote from one letter: - The lowest form of people in transport.' Perhaps it is time something is......
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tes I felt I had to answer the comments by John J. McKay, of London, and F. G.Larman, on Enfield, on bi drivers (CM, November 25). Surely both must realise that one cannot make......