Oil Engines for
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Road Vehicles
"Compression Ignition Engines for Road Vehicles," Written by the Editor of "The Commercial Motor," Constitutes a Vital Work of Reference Dealing with Every Aspect of a Subject which is Assuming Increasing Importance
rAUR Manual 'bearing the above title was available to the public on January 25th ; it was, therefore, the first book of its kind, because the only other publication purporting to cover the same field did not appear until several days later.
The Commercial Motor Manual deals exclusively with engines intended for service in road vehicles and gains value thereby, because the concentrated efforts of technical specialists have been devoted to one phase of use of the compressionignition engine. Each item can be dealt with more fully when this system is adopted. Those who are concerned with the transport industry, therefore, can learn the history and evolution of a coming form of prime-mover without the distractions occasioned by references to engines intended for entirely different classes of service.
This Manual is the only one with an index both as regards the 132 pages of text and 96 illustrations, and it is therefore, useful as a work of reference, without involving laboured search. It is also the only one with a glossary of terms which are unfamiliar to those having a knowledge of conventional petrolengine practice; this makes the book of greater value to the uninitiated. The subjects are dealt with authoritatively and the whole work is the result of protracted preparation.
Although ". Compression Ignition Engines for Road Vehicles" is written in a simple manner, it is far more than an elementary treatise upon this vital subject. It contains information of advantage alike to the user, the manufacturer and the repairer ; the statistics given are largely .exclusive and enable definite performance comparisons to be made.
The number of road-transport engines dealt with is nearly double that described in any publication which has appeared up to the moment, whilst the chapter dealing with the process of combustion forms a complete guide to recent progress and indicates future developments which are the key to the advancement of the oil engine.
An extensive survey of users' experiences is an important and exclusive feature, whilst a treatise upon fuels and lubricants is more exhaustive than anything previously attempted in this direction. The tables of operating costs are unique and form one of the many features which, in combination, have received tribute from various authorities as comprising a Manual that offers exceptional information, regardless of the price (2s. 6d., or 2s. 9d. by post). Copies may be obtained from any bookseller or direct from Temple Press Ltd., 5-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C.1.