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M UCH has been said and written about the views on the Final Report of the Royal Commission on Transport recently expressed to...
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TT is highly probable that a scheme for the -'-licensing of hauliers will be put forward in the near future—we learn, in fact,...
TN a large number of cases questions concern-Ling bodywork have to be decided before the order for the chassis can be put...
T HE question of appeals against decisions made by the Traffic Commissioners has been one of the most debatable points in the...
business motors, Commercial Radiators, Ltd., Vicarage Mews, London, N.I5, has unearthed a number of strange objects in the top...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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COATBRTDC.E Town Council IS recommended to buy a Morris-Commercial prison van. The electricity committee of BOLTON'...
A N accompanying sketch shows the salient points in the latest design of detachable radiator tube marketed by the Midland...
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BUSINESS A Feature Which Hauliers will Find Helpful in Estimating and Anticipating Chances for Obtaining Contracts T" •...
The new Lambeth Bridge, in London, is likely to be opened for traffic in July. Morecambe Corporation's transport manager is to...
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OME time ago we described the interesting petrol-driven truck evolved for inter-works transport by the Laycock Engineering...
A N entirely new arrangement of tlood-lighting for aerodromes and sports grounds has recently been put into force, and as the...
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Interesting and Practical Suggestions for the Use of " Town" Electricity to Provide Current for the Starter. Substituting Gas...
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Points, from a Paper Read by Mr. Alfred Hacking, D.S .0., M.C., and Mr. Rees Jeffreys Before a Meeting of the Institute of...
"Compression Ignition Engines for Road Vehicles," by the Editor of the "Commercial Motor," is available at the price of 2s. 6d....
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on delivery-round work S IN CE last July, when we carried out a test of the Trojan Victory 10-cwt. van, the Atlas 12-cwt....
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Railways and Road Competition. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. 135521 Sir,—Flaiing read an account of what passed between...
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F OR ,many years the Longframe conversion has been well known in this country, and by the adoption of this design a large...
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Versus Road Facts A Striking Denunciation of the Railway Attitude Towards Road Transport. What Road Users Really Pay By E. C....
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Road Vehicles "Compression Ignition Engines for Road Vehicles," Written by the Editor of "The Commercial Motor," Constitutes a...
I N the gears to come the oil engine will be a vital factor in transport. Efficient executives and operators will need a...
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.rt of MANUFACTURING LEATHER CLOTH I N these days when one hears so much about trade depression, it is refreshing to visit a...
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R FADERS of this journal arc familiar with the Wilson preselective type of epieyelic gearbox used on Daimler chassis. It can...
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HAULIER and CARRIER Escaping the Hazards of Furniture Removing. The Provisions that Should be Made in an Estimate L ATELY I...
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Passenger Transport OFFICIAL INQUIRY INTO LONDON COACH BAN' The Minister of Transport Takes a Wise Step To.. wards Settling...
Further Extensions of Roadrail Ticket Interavailability on West-country Routes 'UST too late for inclusion in our a Special...
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Sittings Arranged. THE following are the times and places announced by Area Traffic Commissioners for their forthcoming public...
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The Minister at a Public Sitting. .MR. P. J. PYBUS, the Minister of Transport, appeared personally at the public sitting of...
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An Interesting System Suggested by This Journal Now Being Developed by Well-known Concern M ANY of the leading builders of...
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T HE folding, mechanically operated door, as fitted to the front-entrance bus, is the simplest type from the constructional...
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O NE of the first trailers to be produced by R. and W. Hawthorne, Leslie and Co., Ltd., at its locomotive works, Forth Banks,...
Tapley Meters which Record Standards of Efficiency Upon the Road C HASSIS manufacturers, repairers and maintenance engineers,...
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-1VIEW and extensive works, occupying 15,000 sq. ft., have recently, been acquired by Henry Miller and Co., the well-known...
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A IVsur'a of Recently Published Patent Specifications A N interesting invention is described in patent No. 11363,985, by S. M....