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The Minister at a Public Sitting.
.MR. P. J. PYBUS, the Minister of Transport, appeared personally at the public sitting of the North-western Traffic Commissioners, at Manchester, on February 1st. He spoke appreciatively of the helpful manner in which applicants and their counsel work together, and expressed the hope that, with as little hardship as possible and certainly without any sense of unfairness, transport services in this area would be co-ordinated.
Southend Corporation Again..
TEE proposals by Southend Corpora tion to run motorbuses within the borough boundary again come into prominence due to the application in respect of two routes having come up for hearing by the Eastern Traffic Commissioners at Southend a few days ago. The proposed services affect the western and eastern parts of Southend. One is between Alexandra Road and Southchurch Hall Park, and is opposed by Westeliff Motor Services, Borough Services, Ltd., and other operators, whilst the other is between Sutherland Boulevard and Broadway West, Leigh. Objectors to the latter service are Edwards Hall Motors, Borough Services, Ltd., and other operators, also residents along the route.
Beighlees Joint Transport Board.
THE legal difficulties which have delayed completien of the scheme for establishing a joint control board for the road passenger services in the Keigffiley area have now been overcome, and it is anticipated that a joint board for the management of services now operated by the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., and Keighley Corporation will shortly be established.
The Latest B.E.F. Bus on the Road.
IN our issue for last week we were able to publish a brief description of the latest passenger-vehicle-body design for the British Electrical Federation, Ltd., the body having been demonstrated by the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., of Loughborough, in conjunction with the Thames Valley Traction Co., Ltd., for which concern it was built. At the demonstration Mr. Twidle, of the B.E.F. undertaking, explained to our representative that the 1032 type of standard body would differ in certain respects from that found suitable for the Thames Valley services. For example, a folding door will be generally preferred on the score of B20 safety and convenience, and the high seat backs of the Thames Valley design are not likely to be extensively adopted.
Our representative noticed the absence of drumming when the vehicle was travelling, also the satisfactory ventilation arrangements.
Those present at the demonstration included Mr. Gough, of the B.E.F. concern, Mr. L. G. Wyndham Shire, of the "Midland Red" undertaking, Mr. G. C. Campbell Taylor, of the Trent company, and Mr. E. E. Dunhill, of East Midland Motor Services, Ltd.
Northern Association Entertains Sir John Maxwell, SIR JOHN MAXWELL, chairman of the Northern Scotland Traffic Commissioners, who is, for the time being, acting as chairman of the Northern Commissioners, seems to have created a good impression amongst all classes of operator in the north of England. With other officials, be was entertained the other, evening at a dinner given by the Northern Road Transport Owners Association, Ltd., which is affiliated to the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association, Ltd., of London.
Sir John is endeavouring to impress upon independent operators that the Road Traffic Act provides a means for stabilizing their position with regard to the services they operate, and to dispel the apprehension that it would place the main road-transport power into the hands of the railwayassociated companies.
Further Western Area Protests.
petition signed by 220 passengers and receiving the support of Crediton 'Urban District Council, is being made to the Western Commissioners asking them to restore the original time-table of a private motorbus service at Crediton, or to sanction an alternative timetable which .will be convenient to the passengers.
' A Yorkshire Protection Company Registered.
REGISTRATION has been effected of
a public company having as its objects the promotion and protection of the interests of road-transport operators in ,Yorkshire. It is entitled the YorkShire Motor Coach Owners, Ltd., and has a 'nominal capital a £2,000. There are several directors, including Mr. A. H. Butterwick (30, Delph Lane, Hyde Park, Leeds), Mr. J. Keeling, Mr. W. Tasker, and Mr. S: Stone.
London's Long-distance Services.
RESERVED decisions by the Metro politan Commissioner on applications for licence backings concerning services between London and provincial areas are still under consideration by the Comtnissioner. It will be recalled that, in certain instances, evidence of the services being in excess of public requirements has been submitted, and it is understood that there have been communications between the various Traffic Commissioners concerned with a view to adopting a rational 'common policy. The provincial termini affected are diverse, including towns on the south and mat coast, in Lancashire, in the north, and in Scotland.
Manchester's Request Refused.
A REQUEST made by Manchester Corporatism to vary the conditions of a road service licence affecting the route between Middleton and 'Manchester was successfully opposed a few (lays ago by Salford Corporation, the North Western Commissioners refusing to alter the licence. The Manchester authority proposed to abandon • the tramway service between Middleton and Rhodes, a request having been made by Middleton Corporation for a speedy private service into Manchester. Hitherto there have been two routes and the effect of the altered licence conditions would be to improve the service to Middleton, but to necessitate Salford residents changing vehicles on the journey into Manchester.
London Taxicab Drivers' Protest.
'TN addition to making representations
'before the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner concerning the usefulness of taxicabs for the provision of special transport facilities in the London area, the Taxicab Drivers' League has recently organized a publicity effort in connection with functions held at the Opera House, Covent Garden. People attending these functions have been circularized urging them to travel home by taxicab in parties of four. Further opposition by the league is to be made at subsequent sittings of the Commissioner when coach licences for this class of service are being considered.
, The S.M.T.-Orange Appeal.
IN Newcastle during the past few days the sitting of Sir Henry Piggott, of the Ministry of Transport, to hear appeals has continued, and he has dealt With the case in which the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., and Midland Omnibus Services, Ltd., have appealed against the Northern Commissioners' grant of a road-service licence to Messrs. Orange Bros., of I3edlington, for a service between Glasgow and London via Edinburgh, Berwick, Newcastle and Darlington.
Important Green Line Acquisitions.
IT is stated that Green Line Coaches, Ltd., has acquired the Skylark Motor Coach Co., Ltd., Regent Motor Services, Ltd., and the Ongar coach service operated by Associated Coaches (Ongar), Ltd. The coaches and staff are being taken over, and, subject to licences being obtained, it is not proposed at present to alter the services in any way. Mr. C. Dobbs has resigned the managing directorship of the Skylark concern, and has retired from the Motor Hirers' and Coach Services Assn. in order to devote all' his time to the secretaryship of the Roadways Federation, Ltd., following the resignation of Mr. H. H. Lawrie. Tramway Substitution in Yorkshire.
APPLICATION is being made by the Yorkshire (West Riding) Electric Tramways Co., Ltd., to the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners for power to substitute motorbuses on the tramway route between Ossett arid Agbrigg. Consultations are taking place between Ossett Corporation and the company regarding the reinstatement of the road. The company recently stated that it would cost £8,000 per mile to renew the track, or £112,000 for the 6,9 miles.
Protection Granted Against Municipality.
THE application made by the Barton
Transport Co., Ltd., and the Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., for licence conditions protecting their services against the operations of Nottingham Corporation for a distance of 440 yards beyond the city boundary, has been granted by the East Midlands Commissioners. The route affected is that
between Nottingham and Beeston, and the corporation's application for licence renewal was opposed by the companies with a view to obtaining this protection. The circumstances represent a converse of those in existence at Leicester, where the corporation is given protection against private operators for a similar distance beyond the city boundary.
Agreement Reached at Carlisle.
THE dispute between Carlisle Cor poration and Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., in regard to fares and stages on routes crossing the city has been satisfactorily settled, with the assent of the Northern Commissioners.
Under the new agreement, books of workmen's tickets are to be issued, and will be available for use up to 9 a.m., with special provision for railway workers and others engaged on irregular shifts, Books of children's tickets also are to be issued. Workmen's 1id. tickets cost is. per book, and children's 1d. tickets 8d.. per book of 12.