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TGWU man slams RHA

9th February 1973
Page 19
Page 19, 9th February 1973 — TGWU man slams RHA
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

10 A number of firms have conceded he TGWU claim for a £25 minimum pay 'or lorry drivers of the lowest tonnage rucks, says TGWU's The Record, for zebruary. The higher pay rates were ;ranted both before and after the stormy Nages Council meetings that began last tuttunn. "Regional co-ordinating commitees, or their equivalent, says the journal, 'have been set up in most areas and some tre already at a crucial stage in talks with ocal employers."

Mr Ken Jackson, national secretary of he commercial services section of the inion, has been stumping the country in ecent months discussing tactics with acal officers and shop stewards. He told rhe Record: "We know that at local and egional level many employers realize

that safe and efficient lorry operations require decent minimum wages. It is the Road Haulage Association at national level, and the rogue firms, who are holding back, but progress so far makes us quite optimistic."