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If the Government keeps its nerve and maintains its objections to the proposed advisory council on heavy vehicle movement, the...
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FURTHER APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR NINE MONTHS • The British associate company of a Danish haulage firm whose...
• Converted to a 6 X 2 vehicle by York Trailer and equipped with a Hazlemere aluminium Luton body that is demounted with the...
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• The 30-year-old transport company, F. Lewis and Sons, Aston, Birmingham, which is engaged in carrying smalls traffic to...
10 A number of firms have conceded he TGWU claim for a £25 minimum pay 'or lorry drivers of the lowest tonnage rucks, says...
• Talks have been taking place this week in Paris between Volvo and Berliet to examine, it is said, the possibility of a...
• Free transport — Labour's remedy for London's public transport problems — is quietly down-graded in importance in the Party's...
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New county halls can do the job, says Govt, but Dykes Bill gets second reading from our Parliamentary correspondent • The...
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• A Commons debate on the road haulage industry, including lorry routes and vehicle weights, is being sought by Mr James Hill,...
• Advisory routes, by-pass schemes and other aspects of the use of heavy commercial vehicles will be covered in a set of...
• The transport committee of the European Parliament, which met in Brussels on February 1, is to prepare a report on the...
• As from this week Godfrey Davis Truck Rental is able to provide a full range of vehicle hiring facilities from its newly...
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• Government support for the group training associations was promised by Mr Robin Chichester-Clark, Minister of State for...
• Replying in the Commons to a string of questions from MPs anxious to see a speed-up of Government plans to reduce the hazards...
• Opened by Mr Gordon L. Lowery, general manager of the Port of Bristol, last month, the new headquarters of Western Transport...
The 99 multilateral European haulage permits given to Britain had been allocated to those applicants who provided the best...
• Fyffes-Monro Haulage Ltd, a subsidiary of the Fyffes Group Ltd, announced this week that it had been granted one of the 99...
• Last December Ferrymasters Ltd, expressing disappointment with the delivery of trailers from UK manufacturers, placed an...
• A most useful feature of the just-published 1973 edition of the RHA Haulage Manual is a diary included at the front of the...
• The Aberdeen haulage firm of J. G. Barrack has been acquired by a North Sea oil service company — Seaforth Maritime Ltd — for...
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by John Darker • The launching of a new transport pressure group — "Transport 2000" — on Tuesday poses intriguing questions for...
F. Collins has been appointed as director and general manager of Morton's (BRS) Ltd and will be based at No. 2 Depot, Rowley...
• Talks between Midlands BRS senior mangement and the TGWU's Mr Alan Law broke down on Wednesday. Union hopes for an acceptable...
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from Which? • Yet another blow to protagonists of one-man bus operation in urban areas has come this month from the consumers'...
• Mr William Murray, general manager of Glasgow Corporation Transport, has been offered the post of director of operations with...
• Fifty postal-minibus routes will be operating in Scotland by the end of the year. This was said last week by Mr T. Carpenter,...
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• A row has blown up between Tyneside Passenger Transport Authority and Newcastle upon Tyne Corporation. The PTA has decided to...
Frankfurt service for National Travel • A weekly coach service between London and Frankfurt is being planned by National...
• A meeting to discuss public transport between the local authorities which will comprise the new Forth Region under the Local...
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• Three of five appeals against decisions of the Licensing Authorities were dismissed this week in London by the Transport...
• The Western LA has decided not to revoke the licence of P. G. and J. M. Gerrish after the case had been remitted to him by...
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• A Leeds removal firm and three of its drivers were fined a total of £330 at Leeds City magistrates' court on Tuesday as the...
• At a public inquiry held in Plymouth on Tuesday, the Western LA, Mr J. R. C. Samuel-Gibbon, severely reprimanded an applicant...
• A company operating its own drivers' training scheme and travelling 75 per cent of its annual mileage abroad should not be...
• A Staffordshire farmer who had been unwilling to comply with 0-licensing regulations was granted a short-term 0 licence for...
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• Daimler-Benz is extending the range of trucks available in Britain by the introduction of two lightweight 1319 models — a...
• The site for the transport and communications exhibition Transpo '73 (May 18 to June 2) will be the modern Clan Line building...
• The bodybuilding, motor engineering and associated activities of Robert B. Massey and Co Ltd, Market Weighton, Yorks, are...
• To ease pressure on accommodation at its Brentford premises and at the truck centre at Boreham Wood, Herts, Mercedes-Benz...
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The GLC's new ambulance by Gibb Grace • Earlier this week I was able to examine the new Reeve/Sovam ambulance (CM, February...
• A new 2700 sq ft garage has recently been put into operation by the plant and transport division of Edward Thompson Ltd, at...
• Vehicles which carry dangerous goods and which are fitted with national-type tachographs may be allowed until January I 1980...
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by Gibb Grace; pictures by Dick Ross THE GROWTH in the interest apparent over the past few years in the swop-body system for...
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What are the cost implications for the verator contemplating buying the D1010 is tested? Running through the cost factors as...
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Turbocharging a standard type of 220 bhp diesel to give increased torque and mating it to a step-up/step-down gearbox are...
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by Handyman Details that save down-time (8) In the case of clutch slip determine whether the facings have been glazed by...
Jack Male • When Jack Male joined the family haulage business after serving in the Second World War as a fighter pilot (he was...
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Window-dressing ACCORDING to the copy book maxim, if the flow of traffic is dammed at one point, it becomes a flood somewhere...
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view by the Hawk II Pin-ups with a difference Introducing DE News, the new monthly newspaper of the Department of Employment,...
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SELECTING THE RIGHT VEHICLE FOR THE JOB THE ART of choosing the right vehicle for the job — vehicle selection — is continually...
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* Is weight or volume the limiting factor for your loads? What payload capacity/cubic capacity is your minimum requirement? *...
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The Community's institutions DECISION making in the Common Market rests with specially created common European institutions...
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by Bill Godwin 0 Clockwork boost for buses FROM time to time the automotive engineer's dream of a vehicle driven by energy...
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With reference to the report "Ronnie Cox goes west" (CM January 26) I was surprised to read some of the answers to questions...
The leader in your issue of January 19 has raised even more eyebrows by suggesting that "a few eyebrows will be raised" by the...
I have read the article by Brian H. Fish (CM January 19) with interest and am moved to make some comments on his suggestions...
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Ctelce, one of my duties being to drive a 44-seater coach. I was told that it would be a good idea for me to take a public...
the Law by G. Chandler, and I feel that I might be eligible for an hgv licence. Under the chapter Grant of Licences, the...
A Section 190 (8) of the Road Traffic Act defines a heavy locomotive as a mechanically propelled vehicle which is not...
will be off the road for two to three weeks. As we will be unable to fulfil our commitments, we wish to make a claim against...
the first 18 companies have registered under the Road Haulage Association scheme for training school leavers in road transport...
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matters by John Darker, AMBIM The future of Freightliners THE Freightliner system, if it has not quite lived up to the early...
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by Les Oldridge, TEng {CIE), MIMI, AIVIIRTE Employers' liability THE prudent business man always makes sure that he is...
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learning by Johnny Johnson Your correspondence course could be international AN alternative to the courses described last...
Like most business publications, Commercial Motor is seldom available for casual purchase, except at a few bookstalls in main...