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A fair tip

9th February 1980
Page 20
Page 20, 9th February 1980 — A fair tip
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MURPHY BROS (Bulk Transport) Ltd, the transport subsidiary of Murphy Bros Ltd, is now offering a contract hire service for bulk tipping trailers for loose bulk materials.

Its service is aimed mainly at the users whose requirements for this type of trailer does not justify outright purchase.

The company can supply most makes of tipper, with donkey engines if needed. It also offers a full contract maintenance service for its trailers.

The service stems directly from specific requests from users of Murphy's other transport services and, consequently, the company has now geared itself to introduce the service on a full-time largescale basis.

According to director and general manager Gerald Pickering, "Potential users need to do only a few quick sums to • indicate, in most cases, a pretty strong financial argument for this service."