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He Height Is He Argument
\M SURE the Lorries and the ivironment Committee is corct when it says that the , erage member of the public is rt really concerned with lorry sights. Antagonism is directed......
Them And Us To And Fro
IS THERE SCOPE in road haulage for a productive conference of employers and employees similar to one held in the dairy industry? Both industries have economic problems......
Fowler Caps Tough Line
IS NORMAN FOWLER trying to make amends to the French for the Prime Minister's tough line on the common agricultural policy and on Britain's contribution to the EEC budget? Why......
Yorkshire Bus Brass Band Stops The Clock
TIME stood still in Dewsbury (and what's new in that you may ask?) when the Yorkshire Bus Company's 45-year-old brass band made a long-playing record of regional tunes entitled......