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THE Transport and Genera Workers Union has publishe( its objections to the Govern ment's free-for-all plans con tamed in the Transport Bill.
It says the plans for deregu lation will lead to chaos it Britain's "already hard pressed" bus services, and tha there will be "a boom for rip off merchants operatini clapped-out buses and coache: and minibuses."
Nor does it believe that car sharing will help. The Unior predicts that traffic conges tion will become worse in ma jor cities, and that there will bd a rash of court cases about thd use of uninsured vehicles.
"The threat is very real. Un able to help resolve an genuine problems of hard pressed bus services, thd Tories have picked up a bag gage of experimental and dis credited ideas relying or private enterprise and base( on a massive relaxation o Britain's enviably tough publid transport licensing rules."
The TGWU taxi-cal members are also unhappy They predict that car sharinl will hurt trade. "These propo sals must be regarded as : charter for the unlicensed trade and will be seen by rip off merchants as manna Iron heaven."