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Bus depot vetoed

9th February 1980
Page 23
Page 23, 9th February 1980 — Bus depot vetoed
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

THE FUTURE of a 16-vehicl Renfrewshire coach busines is being threatened by a plan fling row over the use of former haulage yard.

Neilston-based Henr: Crawford applied four year ago to change its former corn mercial transport yard into ; bus depot, but Renfrew Dis trict Council said the buse would cause a hazard whel they turned on to thi Barrhead-Irvine road.

Mr Crawford appealec against the decision, but thi Scottish Development De partment has turned thi down. He had said that then was no difference betweei buses and lorries turning ou of the premises, and that thl buses would not causes at additional hazard.

Commenting on the SIX decision, Mr Crawford said: " am disgusted. I just don' know what the future is. If w( have to move from here w( will probably go out of busi ness."