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Licensed Lo recover

9th February 1980
Page 42
Page 42, 9th February 1980 — Licensed Lo recover
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N your editorial of January 26 fou say that many recovery )perators would welcome some orm of licensing for the inlustry; but there are equally as nany who are totally opposed to t.

It may be useful to your eaders to know AVRO's policy in the matter. The recommeniations of the Foster Committee nclude the proposal that ecovery operators should be irought within the scope of iperators' licensing.

Since their publication AVRO las had a series of meetings vith officials of the Department if Transport at their invitation to Jiscuss the possible effects on .ecovery operation if the Foster proposals were implemented.

These consultations are not 'et concluded and to the best of \VRO's knowledge no decisions lave been reached.

P. WELLS Director-general 4 VRO