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Blue Circle's freight centre

9th February 1980
Page 7
Page 7, 9th February 1980 — Blue Circle's freight centre
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BLUE CIRCLE Port Facilities Ltd, a subsidiary of Blue Circle Industries Ltd, hopes to start work within the next three months on its development of a freight centre with its own marine terminal and deepwater ro/ro berths at Dartford, Kent.

The new 300-acre site adjacent to the Dartford Tunnel is intended to provide one of the most modern and carefully planned cargo centres in. Europe.

In addition to the port facilities, there are 141 acres of land immediately adjacent for which development plans have been prepared.

The land will be available for warehousing, general freight distribution, storage, light industr;ial use and related services.

' This land offers the same advantages of access old location as the terminal, and detailed require IT of potential users can be incorporated vi. ithin the development.