Hackney and Stage Carriages in the Metro politan and City Police Districts.
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Order, dated 30th December, 1907, made by the Secretary of Slate in pursuance of the Metropolitan Public Carriage Act, 1869 (32 and 33 Vict. c. 115), and the London Cab and Stage Carriage Act, 1907 (7 Edwd. VII., c. 55).
In pursuance of sections 6 and 11 of the Metropolitan Public Carriage Act, 1869, I hereby prescribe as follows :—
1. A license for a cab or a stage carriage may be granted-to any person by the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, hereinafter referred to as the Commissioner, subject to the following exceptions )— (a) A license shall not be granted to any person under the age of 21 years, and any license so granted shall be void.
() The Commissioner may at his discretion refuse a license to any person who has been convicted of a felony, misdemeanour, or of cruelty to animals, or who, having previously held a license for a cab or a stage carriage, has had such previous license revoked or suspended. 2. A person desirous of obtaining a license for a cab or a stage carriage, shall make application at the office of the Commissioner.
Such application, if for a cab license, shall be in the form contained in Schedule A, hereto ; or, if for a stage carriage license, shall be in the form contained in Schedule B, hereto. 3. The price of a license for a cab or a stage carriage is £2. 4. If the application is approved by the Commissioner, the applicant shall pay the said sum of £2 to the receiver for the Metropolitan Police district, or to some person 'whom such receiver shall appoint, who shall issue to the applicant a receipt for the amount paid. 5. The applicant shall then bring the carriage, to which he desires the license shall attach, to the police station of the district for examination by the inspector of public carriages, or to such other place as the Commissioner may direct, and shall, at the same time, deliver to the said inspector the said application and receipt. The said inspector, if he shall find such carriage fit for public use, shall cause a metal plate, bearing the number which is to distinguish such carriage, and hereinafter called the number plate, to he affixed thereto in his presence, together with such approval mark as the Commissioner may from time to time direct, and shall sign a certificate in the form contained in Schedule C hereto.
Such number plate shall be fixed, in the case of a four-wheeled cab, on the back thereof ; in the case of a hansom cab, on the spring-block on the back, under the driver's seat. A number plate shall also be fixed to be visible from the inside of every such carriage. In the case of a stage carriage the number plate shall be affixed on the hack thereof.
6. In the case of a cab, the said inspector shall at the same time cause to be affixed to the carriage a plate (hereinafter called the fare plate) setting foith the particulars of fares which may be demanded by the driver from the hirer. Such fare plate shall he affixed in a convenient and conspicuous place to be approved by the Commissioner, 7. A license (subject to the conditions hereinafter specified) shall thereupon be issued to the applicant. 8. A license for a cab shall be in the form contained in Schedule D hereto ; and for a stage carriage shall be in tha form contained in Schedule E hereto.
9. An application for a license on behalf of any co-partnership or company shall be made by, and such license shall be issued to, the senior partner, or to the secretary or manager of the company, as the case may be ; and the persons to whom a license shall be so issued shall be responsible for the observance of the conditions under which the license is granted, and shall be liable to all penalties for breaches of such conditions as if he were the person solely interested in the license. 10. In the case of the death of any proprietor during the currency of his license, the license should be brought to the °thee of the Commissioner, and the Commissioner may by endorsement thereon transfer the license to the personal representatives of the deceased proprietor, or to his widow or child, if such child is of age. In like manner in the case of the marriage of a female proprietor during the currency of her license, her license may be transferred to her husband. In the case of a company., the license may be transferred from the secretary or manager to his successor.
11. A license granted in respect of any public carriage under this part of the order 'shall be subject to the following conditions :— (a) The proprietor thereof shall not permit or suffer the carriage to be sub-let ; provided that this condition shall not prevent a proprietor who has been registered with, and specially approved by the Commissioner, from lending or letting a licensed vehicle to another proprietor for a period not exceeding twenty-one days, if notice in writing of such lending or letting be sent to the Commissioner one clear day before the loan or letting, giving the name of the proprietor to whom the carriage is proposed to be lent or let. The Commissioner may its his discretion refuse such special approval, and may also in his discretion withdraw the approval which authorised a proprietor to sub-let. (b) The proprietor shall, if during the currency of the license he changes his address, within seven days from sisal change, bring his license to the office of the Commissioner, and the Commissioner shall thereupon endorse the license with the new address. The address mentioned in or last endorsed upon the license shall, for all purposes connected with the license, be deemed to be the address of the proprietor of the public carriage to which such license refers.
(e) The proprietor—
(1) Shall not knowingly permit his carriage to be used for an illegal purpose. (2) Shall not deface his license by erasure or otherwise. (3) Shall at all times, when required, produce his license and the license of the drivers or conductors in his employ to the Commissioner, or to such persons as he may appoint. (4) Shall at all reasonable times allow to all persons appointed by the Commissioner to be inspectors of public carriages free access to his premises and stables for the purpose of inspecting the public carriage to which the license relates, the horse's, if any, used for drawing the same and their harness.
(51 Shall within three days after a notice shall have been delivered to him personally or left at the address mentioned in or lest endorsed upon his license, deliver up his license to the inspector of public carriages at the police station of the district within which the place of his address so mentioned or endorsed is situate, and shall bring the public carriage to the same police station in order that the plates may he unfixed and delivered up to the inspector of public carriages. id) The proprietor of any cab or stage carriage shall not conceal or remove any plate affixed to such carriage in pursuance of this Order, or alter or obliterate any number or mark thereupon, or any mark placed upon such carriage by the authority of the Commissioner. The proprietor shall not permit or suffer any person, except such as are authorised by the Commissioner, to alter or remove any of the plates or marks required by this Order. .(e) The proprietor shall keep the carriage and all its furniture and appointments, and the harness of the horse or horses, if any, drawing the same, in perfect order and repair, and shall not suffer any person, or object, or any printed, written, or other matter to appear on the outside or inside of the carriage, or upon the harness or horses, by way of advertisement, except such, if any, as shall be approved by the Commissioner.
(f) The proprietor of a cab shall not employ as a driver of such carriage any person unless he be licensed in accordance with Schedule II of this Order, nor shall he employ such person to drive carriages of a type other than those mentioned in or endorsed upon the license. (g) The proprietor of a stage carriage shall not employ as a driver of such carriage any person unless lie be licensed in accordance with Schedule F of this Order, nor shall he employ such person to drive carriages of a type other than those mentioned in or endorsed ii-on the license.
12. Any license defaced or on which there is an erasure shall be void.
13. Licenses granted under this part of the Order shall be liable to revocation or suspension by the Commissioner in the following events (I) If the proprietor fails to comply with the conditions on which the license is granted as prescribed in section 11 of this Order ; (II) in any of the events in which a license for a cab or a stage carriage might have been revoked or susnended at the time of the passing of the Metropolitan Public Carriage Act, 1869; (III) If the proprietor commits a breach of the said Act or of this Order, or is convicted of felony or a-misdemeanour. 14. In pursuance of section 3 of the London Cab and Stage Carriage Act, 1907, I hereby order that all Acts and Orders relating. to Stage Carriages in London shall apply to:— (I) Every carriage using a tramway or light railway.; (II) And every carriage constructed in the form of an omnibus, char-a-banes, wagonette, cab, or other vehicle which is intended or used for the conveyance of passengers and which plies for hire in any street, road, or place, and in which dh? passengers or any of them are charged to pay separate and distinct or at the rate of separate and distinct fares for their respective places or seats therein, and which on every journey goes to or comes from some town or place beyond London. Provided that nothing in this Order shall apply to a four-horse coach known as a stage coach or to any other vehicle or class of vehicle which shall from time to time be specially exempted from its provisions by order under my hand.
In pursuance of Section 8 of the Metropolitan Public Carriage Act, 1869, I hereby prescribe as follows :— 15. Licenses to act as driver or conductor of a stage carriage, or as a driver of a cab may be granted by the Commissioner, provided that the applicant be not less than 21 years of age. 16. Licenses so granted shall be respectively in the forms contained in the Schedules F, G, and II, to this Order, and shall, if not revoked or suspended, be in force for one year from the date thereof ; and for every such license there shall be paid to the receiver for the Metropolitan Police district, or to such "person as he shall appoint, the sum of five shillings. 17. Every license granted to a driver or conductor shall Trir subject to revocation or suspension for any period of time by any Justice of the Peace in any of the events in which a license granted to a driver of a cab, or a driver or conductor of a stage carriage in pursuance of any Act of Parliament might, at the passing of the Metropolitan Public Carriage Act, 1869, be revoked or suspended, and also by any Justice of the Peace in the event of any breach of this Order or of any of the provisions of the said Metropolitan Public Carriage Act, 1869, or of the London Cab and Stage Carriage Act, 1907.
18. Any lieense.granted under this part of the Order shall also be subject to revocation by the Commissioner should the driver or conductor become in the opinion of the Commissioner unable to exercise his calling without risk to the public.
19. A copy of the license shall be issued to every driver and conductor.
In pursuance of section 9 of the Metropolitan Public Carriage Act, 1869, and of section 1 of the London Cab and Stage Carriage Act, 1907, 1 hereby make the following regulations :— 20. The proprietor shall cause to be painted at the back of his cab, on the outside, the number of persons which the cab is licensed to carry. If the proprietor suffers his cab to ply for hire without sufh number so painted, he shall be deemed to have committed a breach of this Order.
21. If a cab carry a greater number of persons than the numler which it is licensed to carry, the driver, and also the proprietor, if he be cognisant of the fact, shall be deemed to have committed a breach of this Order, For the purpose of this regulation, one child or two children under 10 years of age shall count as one person, 22. The driver of a motorcab shall not permit or suffer any other person to be on the driving box. 23. The proprietor shall supply a sufficient number of tickets in the following form, and no other, for the use of any person hiring the cab, and the driver shall, if so required, deliver one such ticket, and no other, to the hirer:—
24, The proprietor of a public carriage shall within three days after the expiration of the period for which the-license shall have been granted, deliver up his license to the inspector of public carriages at the police station of the district within which the place of his address, mentioned in or last endorsed upon the license, is situate, and shall bring the public carriage to the same police station in order that the plates may be unfixed and delivered up to the inspector of public carriages.
NOTE.—Nothing in this clause shall exempt the proprietor from any penalty to which he might be liable for using, or permitting the use of an unlicensed carriage.
25. Immediately after the termination of any hiring, the driver of a cab, and immediately after the termination of any journey, the conductor of a stage carriage, or if there be no conductor, the driver, shall carefully search the carriage for any property which may have been accidentally left therein, and shall within 24 hours, deposit such property, if not sooner claimed by the owner, in the state in which he finds it, at any police station.
26. Any passenger who finds property accidentally left in a stage carriage shall immediately hand the same to the conductor, or if there be no conductor, to the driver, who shall within the period before stated, if not sooner claimed by the owner, deposit the property, in the state in which it was found, at any police station, and truly state the particulars of such finding.
• 27. Diiring the period between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise no driver of a cab shall ply for hire unless the carriage under his charge be provided with a lamp properly trimmed and lighted. Such lamp shall be fixed outside the carriage in such "a manner as to exhibit a white light to the front. If one lamp only be carried outside, it-shall be fixed on the right or off side of the carriage.
28. The driver or conductor of a stage carriage, or the driver of a cab shall not conceal or remove any plate affixed to such carriage in pursuance of this Order, or alter or obliterate any number or mark thereupon, or any mark placed on such carriage by the authority of the Commissioner. • 29. The driver of a cab or a stage carriage shall drive carriages of such type only as are specified in the license, or in the endorsements made thereon by direction of the Commissioner.
30. A driver or conductor shall at all times during his employment and when appearing before a magistrate have in his possession a copy of the license issued to him in pursuance of Part II of this Order, and shall on demand by the officer in charge for the time being of any police station, or by any police officer specially authorised by the Commissioner, produce the same, and allow the writing and photograph thereon to be inspected. If he neglects or fails to produce the copy as aforesaid he shall be deemed to have committed a breach of this Order.
31. In pursuance of section 10 of the Metropolitan Public Carriage Act, 1869, I hereby annex a penalty, not exceeding Forty Shillings, for the breach of any regulation or regulations made by Part III of this Order._ PART IV.
CAB FARES, linenec, &c.
32. The hiring of a cab not fitted with a taximeter recording the fare by a combination of time and distance, shall be by distance or by time as the hirer may express at the commencement of the hiring; but, unless expressed to be by time shall be taken to be by distance. The fare for the hiring of a cab not fitted with such a taximeter shall be in accordance with the scale set forth in Schedule I to this Order.
33. The fare for the hiring of a cab fitted with a taximeter recording the same by a combination of time and distance, shall be in accordance with the scale set forth in Schedules K and L to this Order, 34. Whether the hiring be according to the scale laid down in Schedules 1, K, or L, the driver shall be entitled to charge, in addition to what is due to him for distance or time, or by the combination of both, as the case may be, the following extra payments in the following cases respectively :—
(1) If any luggage is carried outside the cab, he shall be entitled -to an extra payment for every package carried outside, whatever may be the number of persons carried, in accordance with the scale set out in Schedules I, K, and L respectively.
)2) If the carriage is licensed for more than two persons, and at any time during the hiring more than -two persons are carried together, he shall be entitled to an extra payment of 6d. for every person above two so carried. Provided that one child, or if there he mciee than one, two children under the age of ten years, shall count as one person.
35. If a cab not fitted with a taximeter, or fitted with a taximeter not recording the fare by a combination of time and distance, is hired by distance, and in the course of the hiring is at the request of the hirer made to wait, the driver shall be entitled to charge (in addition to what is due to him for distance) an extra payment according to the scale laid down in Schedule I hereto annexed The driver shall not be entitled to receive any extra payment for waiting, if such waiting has not amounted in the whoIe to fifteen minutes.
The driver shall not be entitled to any extra payment for waiting any less period than fifteen minutes (whether such less period be completed in one or in several stoppages) which is over and above any number of completed periods of fifteen' minutes.
36. The driver of a cab fitted with a taximeter recording the fare by a combination of time and distance, shall be entitled to charge for waiting according to the scale set forth in Schedules K and L.
37. The driver of a cab shall not be compelled to drive for more than six miles ; and if hired by time shall not be compelled to drive for more than one hour.
38. 1) If any property found in a cab or stage carriage, and brought to any police station by the driver, or by the driver or conauctor thereof respectively, under the provisions of the London Hackney Carriage Act, 1853, 16 and 17 Vict., cap. 33, sec. 11, or of this Order, be not within three months claimed and proved to the satisfaction of the Commissioner to belong to tho claimant, the Commissioner shall forthwith sell such property, and out of the proceeds shall award to such driver or conductor as follows :— For .property consisting of or comprising'' A sum equal to 3s. in any gold or silver money, bank notes, I the E1 on the jeweilery, or watch, and being of less value of the pro. value than £10. ) perty.
'1 A sum equal to 25. For property of any other kind, and I 6d. in the El on being of less value than £10. 1 the value of the ) property.
Such a sum as the For property of the value of £10 or Commissi oner upwards. r shall deem reason ) able.
Provided that the Commissioner may, if he think fit, at the expiration of the said period of three months, deliver the property to the driver or conductor, instead of awarding to him a sum of money.
(2) If the property which shall have been so brought to a police station be claimed before the expiration of the said period of three months, and the claimant prove to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that he is entitled thereto, the same shall be delivered to him on payment by him of all expenses incurred, and of a remuneration to the driver or conductor, The amount of such remuneration shall be determined by the Commissioner, with reference to the character and the value of the property, in accordance with the foregoing section.
39. Every motorcab must be fitted with an approved taximeter to indicate to the hirer either the fare chargeable, or the distance travelled.
40. No taximeter shall be affixed to any cab unless the seal or mark approved by the Commissioner be affixed thereto. It a taximeter not having the said seal or mark intact be affixed to any cab the license of that carriage shall be liable to revocation or suspension. 41. Any proprietor, driver, or other person who shall break or in any way tamper with the seal or mark placed on the taximeter, or who shall, with intent to deceive, tamper with the taximeter, shall be deemed to have committed a breach ot this Order.
42. The driver of every cab fitted with a taximeter recording the -fare by -a combination of time and .distance shall, as soon as he is hired and no sooner, set the machine in motion, and upon the termination of the hiring shall forthwith stop the machine. If he neglect or fail to do so he shall be deemed to have committed a breach of this Order.
43. The driver of every cab fitted with a taximeter not recording the fare by a combination of time and distance shall, as soon as he is hired and no sooner, set the machine at zero. If he neglect or fail to do so he shall be deemed to have committed a breach of this Order.
44. In pursuance of section 10 of the Metropolitan Public Carriage Act, 1869, I hereby annex a penalty, not exceeding forty shillings, for the breach of any regulation or regulations made under Part V of this Order.
45.—(1) In this Order the expression "cab" includes "hackney carriage." (2) The Order of the 15th March, 1907, made by me, is hereby revoked, provided that every license already granted in pursuance of the said Order shall be as valid as if it had been granted in pursuance of, and in accordance with, the provisions of this Order.
(3) This Order shall come into force on the first day of February, 1908.
Whitehall, 30th December, 1907.
[Then follow forms of schedule Nos, A to H, bearing particulars of the various information required to be furnished by applicants tor licenses.—ED.]
The fare payable for the hiring of a cab without a taximeter which records the fare by a combination of time and distance shall be according to the following scale; provided always that the driver of such cab may, if he so desires, notify, by means to be approved by the Commissioner that he is willing to accept a fare of 6d. for any journey not exceeding a mile.
(1) 11 hired and discharged within the four mile circle :
(a) If hired by distance—
s. d.
Not exceeding two miles 1 0 Exceeding two miles—
For each mile or part of a mile 0 6
(b) If hired by time—
Four Hansom. wheel.
d. s. d.
For one hour or less 26 20 Above one hour—
For every fifteen minutes of the whole time 0 8 0 6 For any less period 0 8 0 6 (2) If hired beyond the four mile circle, wherever discharged
(a) If hired by distance—
S. d.
Not exceeding one mile 1 0 Exceeding one mile— For each mile or part of a mile I U (b) If hired by time, whether a four wheel or a hansom— For one hour or less 2 6 Above one hour—
For every fifteen minutes of the whole time 0 8 For any less period 0 8 s. d.
Not exceeding one mile I 0 Exceeding one mile—
For each mile ended within the -circle 0 6 For each mile ended without the circle 1 Li For any part of a mile ended without the circle over each completed mile 1 0
(b) If hired by time, whether a hansom or a four wheel— For one hour or less 2 ti Above one hour—
For every fifteen minutes of the whole time 0 8 For any less period 0 8 In addition to the above the driver, whether he be hired by distance or by time, or whether within or without the radius, may be entitled to charge the following extra payments :—
(1) For luggage— s. d.
For each bicycle, child's mail cart, or perambulator 0 6 For each other package carried outside 0 2 NoTE.—Luggage carried on the footboard of a hansom in such a manner that the doors do not close over it, is deemed to be outside within the meaning of this clause.
(2) For extra persons
When licensed to carry more than two persons—
s. d.
For each additional person above two, the whole
journey 0 6 Provided that one child, or if there be more than one, two children under the age of ten years shall count as one person. (31 Waiting—
When hired by distance and at the request of the hirer made to wait : s. d.
For a four-wheel carriage hired within the four mile circle 0 6 For a hansom wherever hired, and a four-wheel carriage hired without the circle 0 SCHEDULE K.
The fare payable for the hiring of a motorcab fitted with a taximeter recording the fare by a combination of time and distance, shall be according to the following scale :— a. d.
(a) For a distance not exceeding one mile, or for time
not exceeding ten minutes 0 8 (5) Exceeding one mile or ten minutes :-
(1) For each quarter of a mile, or time not exceeding two and a half minutes 0 2
(2) For any less distance or time 0 2 In addition to the above the driver may be entitled to charge the following extra payments:— (1) For luggage—
s. d.
For each bicycle, child's mail cart, or verarnbulator 0 6 For each other package carried outside 0 2 NoTE.—Luggage carried on the footboard of a hansom pattern cab so that the doors will not close over it is deemed to be outside for the purpose of this clause.
(2) Extra persons— When licensed to carry more than two persons—
s. d.
For each additional person beyond two, for the whole journey 0 6 Provided that one child, or if there be more than one, two children under the age of ten years shall count as one person. SCHEDULE L.
The fare payable for the hiring of a horse-drawn cab fittk with a taximeter, recording the fare by a combination of time and distance, shall be according to the following scale s. d.
(a) For a distance not exceeding one mile, or time not exceeding twelve minutes 0 e (5) Exceeding one mile or twelve minutes—
(1) For each half of a mile, or time not exceeding six minutes 0 3 (2) For any less distance or time 0 8 In addition to the above the driver may be entitled to charge the following extra payments :—
(1) For luggage—
s. ct For each bicycle, child's mail cart, or perambulator 0 6 For each other package carried outside 0 2 NoTE.—Luggage carried on the footboard of a hansom so that the doors will not close over it, is deemed to be outside for the purpose of this clause.
(2) Extra persons— When licensed to carry more than two persons—
s. d.
For each additional person beyond two, for the whole journey 0 6 Provided that one child, or if there be more than one, two children under the age of ten years shall count as one person,